Thursday, December 2, 2004
Well, today's the day. Andrew got his first buffalo. 
Friday, December 3, 2004
I went up to Wetaskiwin, to help Friesen put some walls up on a
shop he's raising. It's a 60x30 shop, and the owner needed to raise
it 4' so he can get his trucks inside.
Well, everything's ready and the company to lift it came and got
all set up. But they didn't want to raise it today because of the
wind (50km gusts.) It would have been nice if he checked the weather
before so I didn't have to come up for nothing.
Oh, well. We spend the rest of the day working on Friesen's car
- altinator / battery / lights / and some other odds and ends.
Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Today the rest of The Lamb children's book came in today. 480 books.
We have orderes for 100, so these won't last too long. We would
have printed more, but just a cash-flow that prevents it at this
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Today was the dedication for The Lamb. I had spent 4 days last
week putting together a video that we played in church. The good
thing was that it wasn't only used here. It's actually now on the
web and people can watch it to get a pre-veiw of the book - as well
as some background information as to how it came about. Here's
a link to that (11mb).
Between and after services, we had a 'book signing' - everyone
that was present and involved in the production of The Lamb got
together and signed books for anyone who wanted it. 
Then we had choir practice.
Then we had our Christmas Sunday School special.
Needless to say, it' was the busiest time of the year for running
the sound. I sure was ready to get home.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Today I couldn't get the Closed Captioning onto the DVD. I burned
a sample of the first one, but for some reason the Closed Captioning
didn't make it over. Come to find out, Cleaner (a program I use
to compress to MPEG 2) doesn't keep the Closed Captioning data.
I do have a copy of Canopus ProCoder2 on it's way. It's supposed
to keep things in order.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Working on making a master tape - finished Tape #2. It turns out
to be more work than it seems like it should!
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Had a hard time working today, so I did what I could.
This evening was the first choir performance, to a pretty-much
packed out house.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Again, the choir sang two times this morning. I was on the sound
as I was last night. It went very well, for which I was thankful.
Well, except for the time I played the wrong track. I think everyone
forgave me for that.
Afternoon was off for the most part, and went to Miles' place in
the evening.
Monday, December 20, 2004
A full day, starting at 5:30 AM. Lots of things to do to get ready
for the holidays. As I write this a couple days later, I can't remember
all that happened. Worked pretty well till 5:30 PM, then headed
to the church to run the sound for a Community Choir.
That night was a neat night - being able to record the audio for
them. I wasn't able to burn a CD for them, but will do it when I
get back from Wetaskiwin.
So, after the choir was over (9:00) I went back to the office and
packed up to head North. After stopping at Bills to pick up John's
spare tire. By the time I got there it was 12:30, no one up. That's
ok, my room's ready and the doors are unlocked. Even if they were
locked, the key's right there.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Got things packed in the Dodge Cummins Turbo Diesel. My stuff was
in the box as the tool box was already full. Tended to be a long
drive - the 3 of us up front, and Lewey and Nicki in the back. I
think the total trip was 8 hours, though I don't totally remeber.
We arrived, and Helen was making Vreniki (cottage cheese in pasta
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Sat around the house. Worked a bit on the computer. The 'fun' for
the day was to take the truck into town and pick up Jake. This is
where we washed the truck and drove a bit. But this was all, because
we needed something else to do the next day. 
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Up late today - again. But John and I went down to see the ice
bridge that Jake built. He gets phone call after phone call asking
if they got the bridge open. But today was the day - it was good
enough to get across. So, we crossed and then just decided to take
the long way home - through High Level and Fort Vermillion. 
Friday, December 24, 2004 - Christmas Eve
Went to the river with Jake at 8:00. We dragged the ice bridge
(I beam towed behind the pickup truck) to knock down the high spots.
It was still dark when we got there, and -14°c. Funny thing
was that it was 0° here at the house (about 20 miles away.)
The river is coming up a little, so you have to make sure the shore
is still ok.