Saturday, January 1, 2005
The morning found me sleeping in a little. But I was up before
everyone else, eh? We worked on 'Corrie's' car a little in the morning
- put the exhaust on and almost finished before we had to head out
to the next paragraph.
This was another Christmas day for me. The Friesen's got together
today for their Christmas bash. I was warned that it was going to
be louder than I could bear, and it just about was. 
After taking a few pictures for them all, and leaving a JPG copy
for them, I headed home. Not feeling the best, but not too bad.
Sunday, January 2, 2005
At church, I sat next to Bob. All I did was ask an innocent question-
"So, what are you having for dinner?" Bob said, "Why
don't you come over and find out?" So I did, but he claims
that I invited myself over for dinner. Which was not un-expected
(I mean for Bob to twist the truth like that!)
So, after dinner with Bob and Betty, Rich and his family and Randy,
I stayed and talked with them till after supper. Came home and that
was it for that day.
Saturday, January 8, 2005
Was able to get the first DVD Proof Master made today. It never
ceases to amaze me as to how many things can go wrong in one of
these productions. The DVD Authoring program says that a file is
bad, but it doesn't tell you which one. So you delete the one you
think it is, then try again. Over the course of time, you find it,
then re-render it and try again. Nope. Then I got the brilliant
idea of starting the authoring process again (import the file from
scratch.) Worked like a charm. Oh, well. that's experience for ya.
Now I'll have other ideas next time I run into a 'problem' file.
Went to Wetaskiwin for the weekend. Helped John get a load of firewood
- we went to town to get his father's truck (empty bed, w/ plywood
sides up). Then we worked a little on the car.
Ended up going to Camrose after supper to get an oil filter, so
we could finish things up. Took it out on the road for the first
time, really. Drives straight and true, tight. Seems to be a good
little car.
Sunday, 9, 2005
Went to church there at New Sweeden, and then Boston Pizza after.
Sat around the stove till it was time to take a sleep. Fasba, then
we dropped the car off so it could be inspected on Monday. Drove
home at night - it was only -30°c for the trip home.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Drove Barney and Derek up to Edmonton, for Barney's preliminary
office visit before cataract surgery. On the way home I was able
to stop and pick up the car and bring it back with.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Today I went w/ Roger to Calgary to drop off the Gleanings Mailings.
We stopped at Staples on the way back.
At night helped Al in building a shelf for the new sound board
- and re-arranged some of the equipment there.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Took the day to set up / film / tear down for a short video shoot
- that will be used in the promo for the DVD video.
In the evening, I set up some of the board - and got Brent and
his team setup for practice.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Moved in to Roger & Renee's place for a while - house sitting
- as they are gone for a month or so.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Very foggy day. Drove to Calgary to drop a skid of books heading
to the UK. I packed this and did the paperwork for this shipment
this week.
ReNEWal meetings at church today and this weekend.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Burned DVD #3 and 4 today. But read tomorrow's