Friday, July 1, 2005
--Wisconsin Pictures-- -same as
June Log.
Finished with the new engine today - not sure what time it was
before we finally got it done, but it was in the late afternoon,
early evening. Joe and I went to Riverside for dinner. Drove home
to Joe's apartment - 10 miles - without any problems.
Saturday, July 2, 2005
Re-arranged some things in the truck this morning, and left Joe's
apartment at around 10:30. I stopped at the post office before heading
out. Stopped in Madison to see Mike, Mona and Becka Nelson, and
then later in Minneapolis to see Shawn, Rachel and Caleb Nicholson.
--Traveling Photos-- (10)
I continued driving as far as I could, but didn't make it as far
as I liked. The plan was to make to to Olds Sunday night to save
another motel room. Spend the night in MN somewhere.
Sunday, July 3, 2005
Drove all day pretty much. Changed the oil after an hour's drive
because of the 500 mile break in on the new engine. Didn't do too
much else. Spent the night in Havre, MT. Strong head winds just
about the whole day- and that was enough to wear a guy out.
Monday, July 4, 2005
Left at around 7:00am - beautiful day. The border crossing went
without a problem. Going through Fort Macleod, Alberta, I just had
to stop in at Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump to take a look. It's
16 km off the main drag, and cost $8.50 to tour the Interpretive
Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Started work in the office! I'm staying at Werner and Pear Weins'
place while they are in Alaska.
Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Spend the day in the office - organizing thoughts for the Moldova
equipment list. Left at 5:00pm to go cut the grass at the house.
Took a couple hours - small lawn mower and a decent size lot
Monday - Tuesday, July 25-26, 2005
Spend the 2 days in Wetaskiwin, helping put tin on a barn roof
again. As before, my job / responsibility was to run the lift. 
Friday, July 29, 2005
Roger and Renee came at around 5:00 am to drag me to the airport.
After stopping at the office and printing out my boarding passses,
we headed to the airport. Everything went fine - just walked up
to the express baggage check-in and that was it.
The flight to Vancouver was great. About an hour is all it was.
I had to clear customs in Vancouver - to get into the States. I
has a 3 hour lay-over here so there was plenty of time. Not a big
Arrived in Anchorage at about 2:30 local time (2 hours behind Central)
and Kelly came and picked me up. She dropped me off and I bought
a rain-suit and a couple folding chairs.
She went to work, and Matt came home from work, we grilled burgers
and took the dog for a walk. Connie drove in at around 8:30, and
we talked till about 10:00.
I was going to pick the guys up, but I was more tired then she,
so I went to sleep, thinking that I could help drive the next day.
So Connie left at 1:00 or so to pick them up, and as she did, the
belt squealed rather loudly, but then quit.
After picking up the fellows, when they started up the Explorer,
they found out that the alienator was shot. Dean had AAA, and so
they had the truck towed home. So, at 3:00 am, everyone was home
looking for a good sleep.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Up at 7:45, everyone else came out one by one. Zeb and Skip got
the alienator off the Explorer and then we all broke for donuts.
The 4 of them went to NAPA to get another, and I stayed home, packing
the truck and writing this all up till now. 
The drive to Slana was un-eventful, even though it rained just
about all the way. Overcast was the mainstay for the day. Stopped
in Palmer for Subway, and then in Glennallen to pick up Kristy and
Kim. We drove home with them - Kristy drove her SUV, Kim and Connie
took the Honda, and I drove Gracy with Dean, Sip and Zeb.
Sunday, July 31, 2005 
We all got up in the morning for breakfast, each to his own as
everyone had a different schedule. Zeb and I looked at Kristy's
Explorer and Kim's Honda, trying to figure out the heater / tail
light trouble, respectively. We rigged the heater to work in 1/2
mode (instead of full heat and full cold.) The Honda was just leaking
water into the tail light for some reason. Wanted to silicone it,
but it was wet because of the rain.
Went to church, where Brad spoke on 1 Tim 1, vs 8-12. It was a
good time as well talking with folks that we met last year, as well
as some new.
For lunch we had moose roast, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, salad
and a marshmallow salad. Great food - we all ate up because we'll
be doing our own cooking for the next week here.
After lunch I took a quick nap, then helped load up the truck.
Don't forget the doors. We pretty well maxed out the Tundra, but
will put some of that on the trailer tomorrow.
Left overs for supper, some played cards, others relaxed.
And it's still raining...