Saturday, October 1, 2005
The plan for today was to sit around and wait for Serghei to come
pick me up, and the all of us (the GoodSeed clan) would go and do
something. I waited in my room till about 12:30, then went down
to call him and see what the plan was (so I could go to McDonalds
for some lunch.) He said that we weren't doing anything today, so
I could feel free to do whatever in town today. Also, that he would
be here tomorrow at 9:15 to pick me up to take me to his church,
where JRC will be speaking.
So, I headed on my 1km treck for lunch. Basically went straight
there and had lunch. After the "Royal Cheese with Menu"
value meal (39.50 Lei - or about $3.25 US) and a shake (12 Lei -
$1) I stopped at a supermarket on the way home. Bought milk in a
bag, orange juice, bananas and yogurt - for breakfast this next
week. They can't call it a Quarter Pounder here, because it's metric.
What would you say: 1/8th kilo-er?
After getting home, I spent some time trying to account for all
the money I spent here in the country. I've been keeping receipts,
but you don't get receipts at restaruants where everybody pitches
in and pays for whatever. Nor for buying things on the street. So
far, out of 1,241 Lei ($100 US), I can't account for 63.50, or about
$5 US. At this point, I don't think I'm going to worry about it...
This evening the students were playing an interesting game. Everyone
was paired off by 2's, and stood facing eaching in a big circle,
in pairs, one in front of the other. Then there was a fellow that
was 'it', and another that wasn't. The guy that was 'it' also had
a belt. The object was to hit the other fellow that wasn't it with
the belt. The one that wasn't it can jump in front of a pair of
people, making it 3 deep, and the person in the back had to start
running before getting hit. So, the object was to jump in front
of a couple peolple right when the one 'it' was near, so the guy
in the back got it. Once he got hit, he then became 'it' and the
other started running to look for a place to jump in front. If that's
not clear enough, give me a call and I'll do better.
Sunday, October 2, 2005
The day started out late - I overslept, but not a problem. It was
8:00 and needed to be ready at 9:30.
Nickoli came to pick me up, along with the equipment that we were
going to use at the church today. It was just the speakers, stands,
mic and stand, and the assorted cables that went with that.
We made it to the church a few minutes later, and started setting
things up. With these speakers, we were able to plug in the church's
mixer which gave us the CD player and electric piano. It took longer
to set up than I thought with the different levels coming in, but
we got it figured out by 10 after 10:00 - which is when the service
was supposed to start.
The service was very nice. About 2 and a half hours long, but lots
of singing and things. Today was a fall festival / harvest celebration.
I'm not going to relate everything that went on, because I didn't
get much of it - it being in Romanian.
Lunch was after the service, and most everybody went downstairs.
For some reason, the 2 pastors and I had lunch in the sanctuary.
No worries, I was happy to eat, because I was ready for that. Stuffed
peppers, stuffed cabbage, and a few other things. It was all very
good, and I ate my fill.
Soon after, I was asked to share a little of what I do back home.
Without the DVD series, and probably even with it, it's hard to
communicate the amount of work and time that goes into a production
like that. But I shared a little and the program continued. Lots
more singing, Mihai on his accordian-type-instrument (forget the
name) and skits and games. I think it was about 3:30 when everything
was done and we started packing the equipment.
Nicoli took me home and we dropped the equipment at the chapel.
I came home and worked the photos over, did some laundry, and added
this here. I though about going to McD, but it was getting late
when I finally got hungry enough, plus I was pretty tired to walk
all that way for a burger. So I made porridge and had some fruit.
I found out today that Nicoli was going to America on Tuesday.
New York, of all places. I told him I'll be driving through there
on the 13th - perhaps we might hook up somewhere. It would be fun
to drag him to CT for a couple days.
Monday, October 3, 2005 
The morning went rather slow, not having a lot to do. And that
wasn't too bad. I burned about 9 DVD's, trying to back up some of
the data that I've been accumulating over the past few weeks - namely
enough photos to fill 5 DVD's. Of course, when you burn DVD's, it's
best to make a couple three copies each, incase one gets damaged.
Lunch was good - soup and chicken w/ rice. Dinner was chicken and
potato wedges. Both very good!
After lunch we had class from 2:30 to 6:00. It was a long time,
as the students are putting in 6 hours before lunch. Many are very
tired (but I think some of that is staying up too late :). But there
are many who are very interested and paying good attention. Some
aren't, but that's what you would expect in a crowd of 150 or so
students. I counted about 70 in class towards the evening, so I'm
not sure where they all went. At first it was hard for me to take,
but I would rather those that aren't interested to not be there,
so we can teach those that are.
We finished today with the giving of the law, actually only 8 of
the 10, before having to shut down at 6:00. No worries, it'll give
them all something to think about. Well, except those that were
plugged into their MP3 players!
Supper was good and Serghei joined us.
Tuesday, October 4, 2005 
Took advantage of the empty chapel and finished wiring the other
transmitter. We are only using one right now, so it wasn't a priority
to get that done last week. Wasn't too bad, just a couple solder
joints and a few wood screws.
Lunch today was beef and rice. They butchered a cow at the farm
yesterday, so we get the benefit of that. Remember the guy with
the grape juice? He was in charge of the butchering. It was very
good beef.
Teaching went well today, the only exception being a handful of
students who are unruly and disruptive. We will keep an eye out
for the trouble makers and report them. It's a little harder for
us, because not only do we not know their names, but if we heard
them, we probably would still not know their names. So I'll shoot
some photos of them and turn that in as hard evidence! We'll see
how it goes.
Beef steak tonight - it was like deep fried meatloaf. It was good
for sure, a little greasier than what I'm used do. I had 1.5 pieces.
After supper, another evening working on photos. Only took 140
today. It just takes time to get them together and whatnot.
Wednesday, October 5, 2005 
We have a new schedule for the day - start classes at 12:15 to
2:00, then lunch, and 2:30 to 4:00. It seemed to work ok today.
There are a lot of interested students, and that is always a blessing.
The days are still long, but we are in the part of the teaching
where interest is high.
I walked around this morning and shot some mats for use in future
productions - like brochures and whatnot. We also took a couple
folks out to pose for us with the Stranger. It was in English, and
we'll have to put a Romanian cover on it when it gets published.
I think all told, I took about 250 pictures. It's not tons, and
things roll quickly when shooting different composures of a single
scene. I also shot photos of the visual aids for the students -
a couple requested copies, so I thought it easier to shoot them
then try and get them over the internet from back home. Besides,
the ones here are made out of plastic signboard, so it's something
the students could easily make out of cardboard or something similar
Lunch and supper was beef again today - very good.
At supper we heard the testimony of one of the believers here.
As always, it was very interesting to hear. This fellow came from
Thursday, October 6, 2005
Seems as though a cold is starting. Other than that, I forget any
specifics that happened today...
Friday, October 7, 2005 
This morning Jim and I walked to the Motel to exchange money. I've
been told that this is the best place to do this, but found some
places that gave a better exchange. However, I had a $100 US bill
that had holes in it, so I though it would be best to try them first.
She took it with no problem. $100 US exchanged out to MDL 2,506.00.
Saturday, October 8, 2005
Didn't cross the threshold to the room today - just stayed in bed
basically. About 2:30 I got hungry, so I made some oatmeal and had
a banana. Then at about 3:00 someone came over with a tray of soup
and vegetables and a salad of what I thought was fish and some other
things, and there was a plate of bread and some interesting deserts.
Then I remembered there was a wedding in the chapel today, and I
thought this was leftovers from that.
Anyway, I sat to eat again. I figured I better eat some and managed
to much of it away. I put the leftovers in the fridge and washed
the dished. No one came back to collect.
Tonight they must have had something going on downtown, because
I could hear a band echoing through the walls. There is a stage
setup on the main street that they were setting up yesterday. I'm
pretty sure that was the place in question.
Sunday, October 9, 2005
John / Janice and Jim / Les went to Mihai's church today, with
John doing the speaking. I didn't feel well enough to go yet, but
making progress over yesterday. Still rather weak so I spend the
morning in bed, listening to music and Charlie.
After lunch (of which I had left-over food from the day before)
John and Mihai came over and asked if I wanted to go to lunch with
them. I thought it would be good to get out of the room and hang
out with the folks, so I thought it would be a good thing. So I
did. We went to Mihai's place, and I had soup with everybody else.
After getting back at around 5:00 pm, I borrowed JRC's computer
so I could back up the photos I've taken on DVD. I basically burned
DVD's till about 11:00 pm. The good thing here is that it gave me
some time to pack as much as I could tonight.
Monday, October 10, 2005 
Today was a busy one. I was asked to help one of the teachers from
England to record his lectures. But first I had to set up the sound
system (we took it down on Friday because of the wedding on Saturday.)
We were going to use his computer, but he didn't have enough space
on his hard drive. So I used mine, and that lasted till about 2:00
pm. It worked out ok, because I would start it, then leave, then
come back before a break. It worked ok, so there was no problem.
I recorded Mihai playing the accordion from 2:00 to 2:30. Here's
a few songs that he played: (1)
(2) (3)
After, there was another class using the translation equipment.
So I helped set that up again, and finished packing. There was the
last minute cd to burn (one for Mihai on the accordion) and another
of pictures of the visual aids to one of the students. Basically
there was something to do until I hopped into the car to go to the
Even then, on the way, I remembered that there was some tea I was
supposed to get, as well as another CD. So Andrea stopped to look
for the tea (out of stock) and stopped at his house and he got me
a copy of the CD in question. We got to the airport in plenty of
time, which was good.
After getting through security, clearing customs, checking in for
boarding passes, passport control, another security screen, I had
about an hour to wait. That wasn't a problem. Gate 4 (of 4 gates)
was the one to be in.
When my time came, Gate 3 had the attention. I noticed that it
was flashing both Air Moldova and Austrian Air, so I got in line
(they are 2 competing airlines.) They took my boarding pass, and
I got on the transfer bus. I was relived to know that the bus went
to the Austrian Air airplane!
We all got to Vienna in good time, and it took a bit, but got a
room that night (part of the flight.)
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Woke up, not on purpose. The alarm clock was set to 5:30 and went
off at the same time. I didn't know where I was then (I thought
I was in the college and it was the fire alarm going off!) Needless
to say, that was a good way to get up.
Had breakfast and took the shuttle back to the airport. I got there
early, but didn't get in line soon enough. I was told the security
before the gate opened at 9:30, but it opened at 9:00. By the time
I got to the gate, there was a long line of people waiting to get
through the security checkpoint. (This part of the airport has a
security screen before each gate - for about 10 gates.) It took
me 45 minutes to get through, and when I did, the line was still
just as long as it was when I first started.
Needless to say, we got off the ground about 1 hour late. They
said that the luggage was holding it up, which could very well be
the case, but I still had questions concerning the organization.
It's the old problem of having an airport handle more people than
for which it was originally designed.
So, one hour on the tarmac, and 9 and a half hours in the air,
it was time to land in Dulles, Washington DC. About 3 hours here
and another 30 min flight landed me in Harrisburg, PA.
Palmer was there to pick me up, and we stopped at a restaurant
on the way home, in which Joan met up with us.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Got up at about 7:30, which was good. Palmer and I hung out a little,
and got some loose ends figured out. He then drove me to go pick
up my truck. Alex and Denny were there, and everything was in good
order. So thankful that it's fixed and ready!
On the way back, we stopped at another place for lunch - the Country
Connection or Kitchen or something. It was good for sure.
Took a quick look at one of his trucks. He was having trouble with
the shift linkage, and I was able to get him rolling again with
minimal effort.
Palmer had a contact to get a video tape transposed into a DVD,
so he gave me directions and I headed out. After dropping the tape
off, I headed down to Mark and Jane's. Tom and Jen was there with
their two boys, as well as John, Mark & Jane's son.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Drove up 81 to 84 to 684 to 66 to 16 to 2 to 2a to 12 to N Glenwoods.
Got home at about 4:20.
Friday, October 14, 2005 
I asked my mom fix my jacket - and we thought that we should go
up to Maine to go shopping. So, since we were driving right by Topsfield,
MA (where the homes of our ancestors used to live) we thought we
better stop and see if we could still find their houses. I had an
old map from my grandmother, so after getting on,
we headed out.
It worked out ok - the streets are a little different, and when
you compare a map made in the late 1800's and compare it to an ariel
view, you do have some discrepancies. But we did drive around a
little more than I wanted, but eventually found 3 of the houses
on the list. We could have done more, but time wasn't on our side.
We also stopped in at one place and found that it was the home of
the Bradstreet's - another ancestor. So all in all it was pretty
neat. Also, I found the map in a book at the local library - a copy
of which I got from Grandma.
After shopping for about an hour, we headed home. The drive is
a 4 hour trip one way, and we got home at 12:30 if I remember correctly.
Saturday, October 15, 2005 
Around the house this morning, then to church for the wedding of
Julianna Preston and Jason.
Sunday, October, 16, 2005
Spoke at church the first hour (9:30) and sat in on the second.
After church ate lunch at Larry and Gayle's place w/ Dunk.
Monday, October 17, 2005 
Headed out to Indiana - left at 6:15 am and arrived at about 8:00
pm. Stopped in PA to drive around the mountain a bit.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 
Took pictures for Andy and Marie over lunch, then drove up to West
Allis, leaving at 2:00 pm, arriving at around 6:00. Drove up 294,
paying a total of some $5.00 or so.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Basically took the day off. Rather tired after last few days!
Thursday, October 20, 2005 
Today I worked with Joe in the shop - helping get the shop ready
to paint. Today was removing all the old wires that were left over
from the previous owners. Telephone wires / thermostat and old electric
that wasn't used anymore.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Worked in the shop again - moved a couple electrical conduit lines
so Scott could come and build some stairs to get to the messanine.
Today I think Jow and I put in about 12 hours - each.
Saturday, October 22, 2005 
Joe left for IL to be with his buds, and I headed out. Leaving
at around 11:00, I arrived in Cataract, WI at about 2:30. Spent
about 4 hours there with the Amstutz family before heading West
on 90. Made it to South Dakota before retiring at Motel 6.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Drove all day, stopping in Billings, MT tonight. Again at Motel
Monday, October 24, 205 
Left at around 6:00 and arrived in the GoodSeed office here in
ID at about 1:00 - but I forget exact times. Staying with the Legers
for the time here.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Spent the day in the GS office in a Creative Meeting all day, pretty
much. After people left, I re-routed an 8" AC line to the conference
room as it was getting too hot in there.
Wednesday, Ocotber 26, 2005
Spend the day in the office again, re-routing some electrical and
fixing some flouresent lights (replacing balasts in 2 units.)
Not feeling the best today, not sure what it is.
Thursday, October 27
Worked on research for a new computer / audio equipment for taking
to India / Korea / Singapore.
Friday October 28 - Sunday, October 30, 2005 
We had our annual Bible Camp at the Twin Lakes, Idaho. It was a
good time with Charlie and Carol Clough and many of the GoodSeed
Monday, October 31, 2005
First thing was to wake up at 4:30 and drive Gaetan to the airport.
All went well (as far as I know!)
Back at the camp, we had a little trouble getting going because
Andrew's truck wouldn't start. It was raining (and had been all
night) and we eventually found out that the plug into the coil was
wet. So I dried that out with a hair dryer, and seemed to work ok
after that.
Crossing the border was another story. Simply put, they didn't
renew my visa, and they were kind enough to let me in for 7 days
as a visitor. I'm supposed to leave the country by Nov 6th, 12:00
midnight. She was saying that it would take up to 2 months to apply
for another work visa through Seattle, WA. We'll have to figure
this out later I reckon!
The drive home was uneventful after that. Stopped at Subway for
lunch and Prariefire (I think it was) for supper in Cochrane.
On this trip, I had Kathleen and Julie with me. After supper, we
dropped Kathleen off at her apartment and then I dropped Julie off
at hers. Made it home I think at around 9:00 or so.