Office Racks
Friday, August 11, 2006Was able to get the book I’ve been working on (The Stranger with the DVD segments marked in it) printed and coil bound today. That was fun. Now comes the hard part - putting the DVD together. There’s 123 sections that comprise the DVD, and it’s not hard just tedious. There’s 15 chapters, that means at least 15 menus, and links going everywhere, and I want to do Subtitles (so it’s easier to translate) which adds another dimension yet. But it’s coming.
Spent a good part of the day re-organizing the warehouse. Tom and I set the shelves up, and then I started pulling pallets around and throwing boxes. It’s cleaning up well, but—you guessed it—it’s not finished.
Tonight, I started in on the Closed Captioning for the Interactive DVD, but then got side-tracked to moving the prop / CD Insert stuff around.
Barney and Jim got EFI running tonight - the new site, that is.