Crazy day
Friday, February 26, 2010After many hours, we finally shipped out the skid going to Australia. I’m not sure what’s happening with all this, but it seems as though each shipment has it’s own problems. One would think that the process would get easier as time goes on, but it appears the opposite. I’m thinking it took about 4 hours to finalize the paperwork this morning. Well, that’s half because of the phone seemed to be ringing off the hook with many unique situations that cause distractions in the paperwork concentration :) But thankfully, it did manage to sort out in the end, and was able to put some time to re-formatting a computer. I remember thinking that this is not what I signed up for… in that when I started with GoodSeed, my responsibilities were more centered around content creation, videography, audio, etc. But now it’s more menial or mundane. Or as some have said, like eating cardboard. That’s ok. I have to keep reminding myself that someone needs to fill these shoes so that others can benefit. Like today, I shipped out over 2,000 pieces of material to Australia that will help that many (or more) understand the Lord a bit more. Not everyone can be up front. It does take a team effort, and I thank those who help keep me here.