Wednesday, March 03, 2010I see I haven't updated for a few days. So here goes a crash course.

Among other things, I added a few items to our web stores. Well, only got one finished (The Ark of the Covenant.) The other was started, but not finalized quite yet. Re-formatted an old computer to Windows XP w/ sp3.
Men's Bible study in the morning. Helped a widow move over lunch. Worked on cutting all the holes in my floor for the heating system.
Church. Ran 4 miles. Watched USA hockey team take SILVER! Read.
Was on the phone for about an hour. Inventory -- I started at around 7:30 a.m. to help be finished before Lloyd came in and start packing the day's orders. Monday is also my phone-answering day, so I had messages to call, orders to track, fears to calm, and orders to place. Then there were missing receipts to reconcile Faith's bookkeeping. All in all I finished inventory at around 3:30 p.m. It seemed to be a really short day. At night paid bills.
And now, it's Tuesday. 
Mostly catching up from what I missed yesterday. Like getting an order placed for GoodSeed Canada, getting an order from Korea placed, finishing up adding The Menorah to our Tabernacle website, fixing a few images on the same, and getting a computer to back up that way I want it to.
So, there you have it. Nothing out of the ordinary (other than us getting silver.) All in all it's been good and very thankful to be a part.