Left today for the second time.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006Well, after another good sleep in the tent, I figured I would try to leave again. The fine folks here at the campground wanted to wade the tide pools before making breakfast, so I just headed out.
I drove up the coast, to the Colombian river, then back East to the interstate. Figured it would be a good thing to stop at Mt. St. Helens on the way home, because like, it was right here. And I’m glad I did. The road in was about 45 miles long, and you clime to 3800 feet, then down to 2500, then back up to 4100. It is a big mountain, that’s for sure, much bigger than I had pictured in my mind from all the pictures. This trip was from the West.
But, with still time in the day, I figured I’d try to get to the other side (Windy Ridge) before heading back home (thinking I could still make it yet today.) This drive is not for the faint of heart (unless you drive slowly) as it’s windy mountain roads. Since I had no passengers, I didn’t concern myself with car-sickness, though I did think that if I was riding, I would probably walk.
I liked the second drive better, because you can see the devastation of the forest from the blast so much better than the more popular trip on the West side. The west side has been re-planted, and the hills are covered with lush growth again, hiding the effects from the explosion.
On Windy Ridge, you can hike to the top of a hill to the right, and get a better vantage point, which I did, overlooking Spirit Lake. The lake is still full of logs, though not as much as before.
The ride down was nice, and spent the night in Yakima.