Drive back from Olds, Alberta, Canada to Coeur d'Alene, ID
Wednesday, August 12, 2009With my part of the 2 days worth of web meetings over, and one skid of books safely delivered, I was free to head back down to the US of A.
Today I drove back down from Canada, what seems to be something that I could do in my sleep. However, this time I had 2,600 pounds still on my truck that needed to be taken care of. First stop was the Christian Bookstore in the Chinatown of Calgary, where I dropped off 18 cases of The Lamb in Simplified Chinese. The other 788 books needed to be shipped to Ontario, so I headed over to the YRC truck terminal to send that on its way. It was noonish when I was able to leave Calgary. I do wish I had some photos of those events, as they were memorable. I guess a few words will have to suffice to hold those down.
The rest of the trip was uneventful, except for seeing ~20 deer, and almost hitting a fawn. I decided to take another way home, which took me through Montana through the back woods of Yaak. I would not recommend this trip if you are in a hurry of have a passenger susceptible to car sickness. Or in the winter. Or at night. But I had fun.