Yet another trip to Canada
Tuesday, October 06, 2009Today was a multitude of projects. First, it started out with packing the tools in the truck, along with everything else I’ll be needing for the next 9 weeks. Then to the office where I loaded a half-skid of books. Paperwork soon followed to get through customs / immigration. After, or during, was trying to finalize the paperwork for the skid of books going to Australia. All in all, it was a pretty hectic morning, but able to get the things done that needed doing.
Then I left, right around noon. Drove about an hour and a half, before I realized I had left the paperwork I prepared earlier on my desk! So Russ grabbed that and headed North, as I drove South. We met south of Sandpoint, adding at least an hour’s drive to my already 8 hour trip.
The border crossing was seamless, other than than getting a rookie officer who wasn’t real sure of how to go about things. Which wasn’t a problem, just took longer is all.
When all is said and done, the trip lasted much longer than I expected. But that’s ok, as I arrived only 12:30 at my destination, safely. Very thankful for that!