Friday, but Sunday's a comming!
Saturday, October 10, 2009Full day today. Yesterday I was doing little jobs waiting for Rob to come and show us things that need to be done. We were trying to get the floor finished, but being 14 degrees (F) it's too cold to work that. So we decided to start framing and finish the floors off after we get heat in the building. So, that was part of yesterday. I was able to finish insulating some parts, and putting up some nailers that were missing.
But today was spent moving more lumber to the second floor, then getting setup to start framing. End result is one wall up and a couple marked out to start tomorrow. Worked only a half day today, from 7:30 to about 9:00 (time off for dinner / supper, or lunch / dinner.) Rob came up today, so we had a couple hours' worth of meetings and figuring and planning for the week ahead. Looks like we have 5-8 electricians to come help next Friday / Saturday of next week, so we need to have all the framing done by then (which I think we can.)All in all it was a very good day. Very thankful for how things are coming. ((Photos by Troy))