Awana conference / Wyton's
Sunday, October 08, 2006Today at 7:00, Tom and I left for the Awana conference. My job was to run the GoodSeed table while Tom was out and about teaching some workshops. I had my computer, and I was working on formatting The Lamb in Porguguese. It was rather slow for me, because people didn’t know much about us, though some did. I sold only 2 books and a video set.
Titus came in over lunch, and was my replacement. He said that ever since I left it was a mad house. I do have a shot of how mad it was before I left (cleared out to nothing during the workshops) then picked up steady after that.
I came home to a nap, and Paul and Ros came over to spend a couple nights here. I worked with them in PNG for a couple years. Sure good to see them again.