Fred came in last night (aka: Dr. Dyno) and so today we had to take the DRZ’s out. Finally drove to Lake Pend Orielle, the 3rd largest lake in the Northeast, around 1,150 feet deep and 45 miles long. Riding through the woods, we did single track, double track and gravel roads, from 5,100 feet to just over 2,000, for a total of about 75 miles of riding. Good times, and a great day off! Just what the Dr. ordered : )
Sorry for the cheezy cell phone video—couldn’t find the helmet cam!!
I’ve been learning about people who spam on our main website. They log in as a member, then fill their bio with links back to their websites, to gain a bigger rank in the search engines. One problem with that, is all the extra links down-grades our site in the search engines, which hurts our rank overall. Mostly it’s links to hand bags and other things, but get some trash in there too.
Yesterday I deleted about 7,000 such entries, and found a way to weed most of them out. However, it appears it’s going to be a daily thing to go in, look at who signed up, and delete those who are abusing their privileges.
Borrow to be debt free
Today, I was able to borrow enough money to pay off my house. From 6% to 4.25% and 30 to 15 years so it was. Very thankful for the opportunity before the rates go up! 15 more years (or more than likely less) and should be debt free!
Barney and I drove down to Dallas to cut trees / split firewood for his step Mom. White oak trees were around 90 feet high, which was rather fun / nerve-wracking to work with. It was a great 3 days of work and did some other things on the side (water trees, fix doors, hang a mirror over the fireplace, and eat.) On the way home, we stopped at many of the falls in the Colombia River and visited the Bonneville Lock and Dam. Great trip.
Today Russ and I cut down a tree for an older widow who had one to come down. I expected it to take about 4 hours, but ended being around 8. Took three trips to the dump, each of which took around 45 min or so. But in the end, it was down and cleaned up, and we all were happy with how things turned out!
I was trying to install TextWranger as my differential tool withinside Dreamweaver, but had a hard time figureing it out. In TexWrangler, go to FILE > Install Command Line Tools.
In Dreamweaver, goto Preferences > File Compare, then browse for the twdiff command line, which is located in /usr/local/bin/twdiff.
Then, within Dreamweaver, select 2 files in the FILES panel, then "Compare Local Files." It’s a wonderful thing!
Been working on creating a new menu structure for The Stranger DVD series. Not positive yet, but hope to get Spanish audio and subtitles on the next printing, which would be a great thing indeed. But to do it right, I need a Spanish and English menu system. Part of the process is to figure out the structure of the menus themselves. Looks easy enough, but it did take some time to figure out how I wanted to do it. Here’s a quick map of DVD #1 (5 more to do—but won’t take the time to map them out, as they are very similar to this.)
Met with my bank today to refinance the house. If everything goes through (and looking like it will), I’ll have a 15 year mortgage instead of a 30, and 4.25% interest instead of 6.00%. My payments will go up about $100 / month, but that’s ok in the scheme of things. Much better to spend a little more, get out of debt earlier, and save quite a bit of cash at the same time!
After work the other day it was so nice I had to get out and do something. So I took the bike up to Canfield and rode around a while. I realize this may be boring for most of you, but that’s ok. Watch in HD if you can!
Sorry—there’s no audio. You’ll have to play your own music! Also, there’s a peg-stop at 8:45 if you want…
Last week I finalized a new version of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, and about a month before, All that the Prophets have Spoken. It’s been a challenge to produce Kindle versions, just because there are so many things that need to be done before a file is considered complete. Like Table of Contents, linked to anchors in the text, author’s name (inserted in the metadata of the first file of the book), a cover image (the right size)—things that you don’t really know about until you start trying to build the files. It seems there are many hidden things that you “uncover” as you go along, which makes this a troubling task.
This past week I’ve just started selling these files on our webstore. If you have a Kindle (or want to read this with a free Kindle reader on your computer / phone / tablet) sent me an email and I’ll give you a coupon for a free ebook on our store!
Currently, I’m working on the French version of By This Name. All is well, but the Table of Contents is not working, and I’m not sure why. So begins my day…
It’s hard to believe I’m on my way home today. Finally pulled in about 6:00 in the afternoon. Another long drive, but thankful to be home and in good order!
Today was basically a day off, where we took a tour around base, including a B-52 bomber (the last one built, which was in 1961.) After we worked Kitty—a military dog that Randy is in charge of. Then took Tiffany to the airport for an early departure.