John's comments from life.

Ferry over to Victoria

Saturday, October 09, 2010 0 Comments

First time on the island.

Drive to Mt Vernon

Friday, October 08, 2010 0 Comments

Today I drove to Mt. Vernon to spend the night with the Ketchams, on the way to Victoria.

The Lamb now on Kindle

Tuesday, October 05, 2010 0 Comments

Recently I was able to finish putting The Lamb on the Amazon Kindle. This can be read (with the free reader from Amazon) on your computer, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Blackberry, and the list continues. I will say, however, that with their demo below, the formatting doesn't display correctly. And that has been a big frustration in working with the Kindle. But, here's a demo:

After work specials

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 0 Comments

Yesterday after work I was able to go for an 18 mile bike ride.

Today, I went to Rose Lake to cut a good ol’ dead pine tree down for a friend—who works next door our office.

Mission Connection

Saturday, September 25, 2010 0 Comments

Yesterday and today I helped Tom at the GoodSeed booth at Mission Connection. It was located in the Calvary Chapel in North Spokane. Friday was from 1:00 to 10:00 (we left early at 9:30 as did most everyone else,) and Saturday from 8:00 am to 6:45 pm. It was a good time to talk to folks about sharing their faith with others, and helping them understand how the products that GoodSeed makes is a help to them. Long days but well worth it.

Local politics -- on the Federal side

Tuesday, September 21, 2010 0 Comments


Saturday, September 18, 2010 0 Comments

Today I was finally able to finish most all the ductwork on the heating system, and fire up my furnace! So thankful for that. Next is hooking up the heat pump, but that will hopefully come soon. Very nice indeed!

Patriot Day -- at Moonshine Park

Sunday, September 12, 2010 0 Comments

At Moonshine Park—Man Camp.

Drive to Moonshine Park

Saturday, September 11, 2010 0 Comments

Finished driving down the the camp along the coast of Oregon. There was about 30 guys that came out for the camp, and was a really good time.

The drive down to Men's retreat

Friday, September 10, 2010 0 Comments

Russ and I drove down to OR—along with picking up Bob at SEATAC on the way.

Moody Radio Chicago interview with John Cross

Friday, September 03, 2010 0 Comments

Here's a good listen. Just a project of mine lately, taking the audio file, transcribing it, creating captions, and publishing. It takes some time to do all that, but makes listening a little more enjoyable if you can read it, too.

A message from Paul

Thursday, September 02, 2010 0 Comments

Paul has been with GoodSeed since the beginning. And been working with New Tribes Mission before that. Today he went for surgery for some cancer that he’s been battling. As I type, I’ve not heard how it went, but yesterday he sent out an email with a video message to his family and friends. It’s well worth the time to watch (almost 40 minutes) as it gives the encouragement that one can receive from believing in the God of the Bible, even in the hardest times of life. Here are the links:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


Have any projects lately?

Wednesday, September 01, 2010 0 Comments

I've been asked several times what projects I've been working on lately. But with that, my response has been that I've been doing a lot of little things. Here's the list for today:

  • Make coffee
  • Inventory the warehouse
  • Re-label a section in the warehouse to find a better labeling solution
  • Answer phones
  • Answer email questions for our website
  • Print invoices / fill orders / pack boxes for USPS Mail and UPS (largest order was 15 cases)
  • Run to the Office Supply store for supplies
  • Administrate our online Task Managing Software
  • Field FTP log-in questions
  • Collect / input new email addresses into our email sending software
  • Review disputed Credit Card charges
  • Order refill pages for the daily planner
  • Re-stock shelves in the packing room
  • Work on putting up an audio file with captions of an interview of John Cross by Moody Radio Chicago FM 90.1

Misc picts / trip home from Olds

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 0 Comments

Here’s some pictures of some time in Canada, and my trip home. Had a great time!

Working on the truck

Sunday, August 22, 2010 0 Comments

Started working on the truck today. Going well -- got all 4 replaced. However, the wheelbearings need to be replaced as well, and I'll have to wait till Monday before the parts come in, which should work out ok. So glad I came up yesterday otherwise we wouldn't have had parts till Tuesday.

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