John's comments from life.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I thought I would write a little about what I do here at GoodSeed:
- Packing -- Once a week (and when Lloyd isn't here) I do all the packing or orders. This week it's been 3 days so far.
- Office -- Answering phones, processing orders, supply buying, etc.
- Inventory -- includes organizing the warehouse, counting inventory once a month, building CD Audiobooks, receiving shipments
- Web -- maintenance of our website, product photography and SEO
- Projects -- creating / formatting jobs like The Lamb in Portuguese, Luxembourgish, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Video series of 4 (1) hour lessons
- Print -- Overseeing our print jobs. Currently in process: The Stranger WorkBook. Coming up: All that the Prophets has Spoken -- Arabic, The Stranger Edition 4, The Lamb (English, Portuguese, Luxembourgish)
It's a little overwhelming at times, and we are still looking for help. But there isn't a dull moment, that's for sure. Thank you for your prayers for wisdom!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
As I type, data is being transferred back to my NAS box. This is a huge relief to me, because 3 months ago, I heard the news that our server wasn't responding, and in essence, was dead. Not too much of a problem if there was a good backup in place, but at the time I thought I was pretty secure, and didn't have that. Thus started a long process of trying to learn how to recover the data from a 7 drive, RAID 5, 2 tb system. Much took place between now and then, and it took several computers, some reformatted (even a couple times) specifically for the data recovery process, extra hard drives (at least (9) 1tb drives used) to move, shuffle and work the data. Very time consuming process, as it does take hours to transfer that much data (sometimes it was necessary just to reconfigure hardware.)
But God is good, and allowed us to recover most, if not all, of the data. I thank Him for allowing this to come to be. It is an answer to prayer, and want to give Him thanks for it all.
I'm not totally out of the woods yet, as I have yet to implement my backup system (it's waiting on hardware right now, but I do have 3 copies of my data once the current transfer finishes.)
And, on this last trip home from CT, my car turned 100,000. That's 45,000 miles I've put on it in the past 2.5 years. (Not bad, considering I currently live 1 mile away from work, and ride my bike most of the time.) It's been a huge blessing and am thankful for being able to get around as well as I have been. Thank you to those of you that help make it a possibility.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Been working the roofing job all week, and still not finished. Yet. Broke early again to go for dinner at David’s—a family spread that my mom cooked up for everyone. Stuffed cabbage, lasagna, chicken. ribs, shrimp, kielbasa, apple pie, cheesecake, and more that I can’t remember, but I know it was good.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Didn’t take too many pictures, but a couple did surface.
Monday, October 06, 2008
The fam getting together for breakfast after the wedding. Afterwhich, I drove down to Browns.