Thursday, April 1, 2004
Spent the morning w/ tech support chat (Michelle) to try and get up and running. Started w/ what I thought was a simple
question, but ended up all out of whack :) Waiting on Level 2 Tech
support now...
They came back, and after some work, it seems to be running like
it should. Great!
Friday, April 2, 2004
An interesting day - drove to Wetaskiwin to help John move his
folks to an apartment. It's a lot of work, but when I got there,
I was pretty much useless. My back was hurting so much that I couldn't
walk straight. So, what did I do? Went to visit John (another) and
helped a bit sanding his new truck.
I helped a bit, then spend a good deal laying on the bench seat.
Supper was at Krahn's - and really good. The drive home, however,
was a real pain in the back! John
Saturday, April 3, 2004
The morning called for setting up for the worship team. 10:30 AM
was the target practice, and went well (though my back was quite
sore.) After this, I went home and rested flat on the floor, listening
to most of Isaiah.
Sunday, April 4, 2004
Time Change!
Back was sore, but better. Ran the sound at church, Brent was the
song leader. He spoke on Romans 6-7 - about serving God. He had
a lot of good things to say. Betty (Evans) invited me over for lunch,
and it was great to hang out with Bob and Betty (both for food and
Came home (Kary's - still watching their house) and got a 35 min
nap before the evening service at church. Gordon lead singing and
Bevan spoke from 1 Kings 17 - talking about Elijah's obedience in
God's commands - despite seemingly desperate circumstances.
Monday, April 5, 2004
Spent the day recording video segments for Craig - the fellow that
is going to be working on creating music for our video. John will
take that in tomorrow to get him started on it.
Supper at John and Janice's w/ Jerry and Ruth. They are on their
way to CA.
And a leper came to Him and bowed down before Him,
and said, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean."
Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am
willing; be cleansed." And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
Matthew 8:2-3
Tuesday, April 7, 2004
Tax day! Got my taxes done, and all the pictures up-to-date on
by website -
- stock photography
Wednesday, April 8, 2004
Worked on the video and also the website. 10-2 audio, and put up
some new photos. John came home w/ a CD of the audio created so
far, but I didn't go pick it up - I'll get it tomorrow sometime.
Thursday, April 8, 2004
Finished 10-2, and only have 10-3 to go (aside from the intro /
ending, and one section that needs some more footage.)
Friday, April 9, 2004
Good Friday - ran the sound for the service at church, and then
went to the Kary's for Dinner. (It was a typical 17 course meal
w/ turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, noodles, cranberries,
pickles, buns, juice, pickles, salad, gravy - the list goes on.
Then I went out to Boffey's to help John cut up some firewood -
and help clean up some of the trees there at Boffey's place. We
cut for about 3 hours, and only got about 2 loads of wood. Lots
of little stuff - but it helps them out some too. Came back w/ my
truck full.
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Spent the day working on my website - learning about SEO - Search
Engine Optimization. I fell like there's a ton to learn - not sure
how long this will take working at it in my spare time.
Need to setup for Jason - he's leading worship tomorrow, and I'm
on sound this month.
Sunday, April 11, 2004 - Easter!
Brought Josh w/ me to be at the church at 8:00 AM. First thing
I noticed was that Brent wasn't there - he's usually there before
I get there. After finishing setup, Andy came in and said that Brent
was sick - John will be taking his place. Oh, and Jason's sick too
- and Cindy Palin will be taking his place! The morning for changes
I guess! We had for instruments: 1 piano (it's hard to get two),
1 keyboard, 1 bass guitar, 2 acoustic guitars, 2 electric guitars,
1 set of drums and 3 vocals. All this for a guy (me) who prefers
to keep things simple. Oh, well - it did work out well, for that
I'm thankful.
It was a full house - many people I've not seen before. After the
two services, it took till 1:15 to clean everything up and be on
my way home Kary's are still gone, so that's my home-for-now. Had
lunch and slept for 2 hours that afternoon. No evening service today.
Monday, April 12, 2004
Drove to Calgary - and had the B-Roll footage from Bethlehem Steel
copied to a MiniDV tape so I could get it in the system (we don't
have a BetaSP deck yet...) Joe ran the edit system there in The
Edit Suite. Took the whole afternoon- just how it goes...
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Worked 03-1 - with the steel footage. Didn't finish - had to run
it through Combustion to mask it to 4x3 ratio.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Folded Gleanings
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Stuffed Gleanings
Friday, April 16, 2004
Sealed and labeled Gleanings! There was only around 1,450 this
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Not much done today - not feeling the best. Slept and cleaned Kary's
house, as they are coming home tonight. Took nap and set up the
sound for Laurie - he was leading the practice for worship at 4:00pm.
Then at 10:30 or so I drove down to pick up Trevor and fam. I was
early because I had the wrong flight info in my head (only 30 min
is all.) But they all came back in one piece, which was nice to
see. The girls all had their head in braids - the micro type.
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Andy spoke today, and I ran sound. He spoke on 1 Kings and the
call of Elisha. It was good - getting us to think / remember what
is important in life - it included (but not limited to) living
dead men.
Dinner was at Miles and Doris', along with Trevor / Esther / Mr.
& Mrs. Sutherland / Mr. & Mrs. Kary and all the kids (Melissa,
Amanda, Sarah, Mitchell, Joshua, Ryan, Timothy and Jarod -aka Harry.)
It was the typical roast beef dinner - I think there was only about
7-8 things to eat this time!
Home for a nap (2.5 hours!) and back to church for the evening
service at 6:00. I ran the sound again for the hymn sing.
Monday, April 19, 2004
The dreaded day came. Time for a reformat on the animation computer.
Also figured out that I need to offer posters as an option on my
website. Now for pricing and how to make it work. Still not feeling
the best - but here regardless :)
Some shots of the house I'm renting w/ Andrew. 
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
The dogs kept me up a lot last night. They bark at the horses -
and that makes it worse because you know they are dumb dogs!
Another rough day- trying to get my old edit machine to spit out
files that I can work with to produce a DVD. Good luck! It's almost
impossible - between not being able to export a file larger than
2g, and in a file that I can use. I couldn't get Adobe Encore to
work either - good thing I got a demo and didn't pay the $500 they
are asking.
One problem today was going to the Avid website and looking at
the new equipment. Man, it sure would be nice to have something
that worked together well with itself --! One day, perhaps...
But all in all, was able to install most of the software back on
my animation computer which is a big step. Hate to say it, but I'm
getting pretty good at this. Just don't tell anyone.
Also contacted tech support for my Iomega 250g external hard drive
I'm using as a backup. I think we got to a place where it's time
to send it in and exchange it for another. Haven't heard back yet,
but that's what I'm hoping for!
Off to Jack / Brenda Lyttle's place for the evening to house-sit
(till Sunday.)
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts
out fear, because fear involves punishment,
and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because
He first loved us.
1 John 4:18-19
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Worked till 3:00 then took off to Wetaskiwin. I stopped at London
Drugs to buy a hard drive for John, cause his is starting to whine.
Filled the truck w/ 350 gallons of water and watered 2 rows of
trees in the evening. During which time I put the new hard drive
in. (Used Ghost and copied the drive over - worked slick as snot
on a doorknob.) John was getting his cultivator ready to seed. Later
we went to town for gas, and that was about it for the day! 
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Helped Friesen get his cultivator leveled over at Bill's. While
he was working on that I help Bill and Joel stake off their 2 fields.
Bill owns one 80 acre section, and Joel owns the other 80, and so
we had to divide a quarter section in half.
Once that was done, Bill talked John and I go go with him to the
auction. Wish I brought my camera with! They bought a Skyreach lift
to use on putting tin on roofs. Good deal - $6k for what should
have been around 12-13k. You will see some pictures from 40' up
later in life.
Then we basically finished the cultivator, went home and watered
the new row of trees.
Friday, April 23, 2004
Office work today, haircut at 3:30, supper w/ John & Janice,
planted about 60 trees w/ Miles and his boys.
Saturday, April 24, 2004
Worked in the office in the morning - some on chapter 05-2, and
some on pictures. It is getting VERY hard to work on a video - or
anything inside the office for that matter - because it's so nice
outside. I hope to help out a little getting some seed in the ground
this next week.
Sunday, April 25, 2004
My last day running sound for a month or so. We had Allen Bussard
from Slovakia speak for the services, which was very good I thought.
In the evening service we had John from the Philippines -
Monday, April 26, 2004
In the evening I got
up for a friend from Indiana!
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Spent a little time in the morning getting ordered to
be hosted w/ Barney.
Worked more on the video in the morning, and then ran the heavy
harrow in the afternoon. We are expecting 10-15cm of snow by morning!
Today it was 20ºc and in 10 minutes it dropped to 10ºc.
By the time I got out of the tractor, it was probably around 0.
An interesting day for sure.
Friday, April 30, 2004
While we were waiting for a grain truck to be fixed a the local
mechanic's shop, we took the morning to try out the lift. First
thing was a flat tire, so a trip to town was required. 
On the way home from one of the trips to town, we stopped at the
machanic's place. The parts should be in tomorrow morning ~! So,
we stopped at Hundabey's and borrowed his truck to get us going.
So, with that John got seed and we got started putting in wheat
around his 80 acers.
Towards the end of the day I started harrowing raking John's lawn,
or should I say the dirt around his house. Got it all harrowed (loosened
up) and a couple hour's worth of raking.
Supper was at 10:00 I think... - Not Mary Ann's fault, it was our
Goto May, 2004
All Scripture is NASB unless otherwise noted. |