Saturday, May 1, 2004
Pretty much spent the day putting in John's yard. Took some time
to shoot some photos, of course! 
After supper, we went to pick up another load of seed, and then
watered the trees.
Sunday, May 2, 2004
Went to church at New Sweden. Don ran the Sunday School, talking
about living holy lives. Lyle spoke on Col 1:3-8, and different
aspects of the Gospel. Both were good.
Then the Krahn's took us to Boston Pizza to celebrate Rob's achievement
- the top tradesman in Alberta (or something like that.)
Home to see lots of puddles in small areas of the lawn (the wind
was so strong it didn't allow the sprinklers to do anything really.)
I just hope it didn't carry away the grass seed!
Took a nap.
Supper then we went to Krahn's to get some eggs before coming home.
Tuesday, May 4, 2004
John C was at the Muzikhaus to finish the recording for the songs
for The Lamb. He brought that home, and I started on getting that
plugged into the Audio we already had. The worst part is I couldn't
find the original files (till later...) so I spent most of the afternoon
/ evening 'sweetening' the audio for the new master.
Wednesday, May 5, 2004
Finished the audio for The Lamb AudioBook, and mailed that to Ken.
That took most of the day...
Friday, May 7, 2004
Finished up a couple sections on the video. It was a good day,
getting quite a bit accomplished.
In the evening Janice had a suprize birthday party for John. Kary's,
Lytles, Humphreys, Andrew and I were there. He didn't have any idea
till he saw the shoes :)
Saturday, May 8, 2004
Worked on the website in the morning. Then went out and split about
3/4 truck load of wood. It was a beautiful day - up to 25°C,
and had to do something outside! Finished filling the truck at Miles'
from the pile that was split up a month or so ago. Unloaded at John's,
then washed the truck on the way home.
Sunday, May 9, 2004
Went to the early service at church, so as to be able to get back
to Trevor's to help w/ the turkey. Brent spoke on Leviticus 2, and
talked about the grain offering.
The Great Turkey Deep Fry 
After, we filled a pot w/ 12 quarts of canola oil, and heated it
up to 350°F. Once there, dropped a 20 pound turkey in, and watched
it for an hour and 35 min. Apparently you are supposed to have it
in for 3.5 min per pound of turkey. That's it! We left it in about
15 min too long, it was a liitle over-done, but it was still good.
The whole Kary clan was up, plus the Lytles and myself. It was
a wonderful meal to say the least, but the company was even better.
Monday, May 10, 2004
Today John proofed 7 sections, which gave me quite a bit of spelling
errors and other ideas to implement.
Also, found out today that the trip to Alaska might be good to
go. In looking at it, looks like it's around 1,600 miles to drive
one way. Hmmm....
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
JRC finihsed proofing all the sections of the video (except the
first and last one). I have the changes to do, but will be working
on that.
Saturday, May 15, 2004
Started out at camp, helping clean up leaves. Was only there for
2 hours. Then John and I went to town, but found they didn't have
what we needed to finish the wiring in his house, so we came home
empty handed.
Lunch, John washed the tractor and I pulled the old sod off part
of the yard in back.
Then we started putting tarps on the equipment that is hanging
outside of the shed. It's a lot easier to do that when you have
more than one person. To finish, we had to go to town and buy some
more tarps and tarp straps.
Once that was done, we went over to Bills and grabbed the water
tank and trailor (finding out in the process that my trailor breaks
unit in my truck works.) We let that fill up with water while we
replaced the rotors and pads up front. We found a broken wire on
the ABS, which I fixed, and now it seems as though they are working.
So, now being about 10:30pm or so, we headed out to water the trees.
Thus ended the day.
Monday, May 17, 2004
Unloaded my truck at Cross' in the morning (and basically moved
most of the furnature in the house in the process :)
Was able to purchase a anti-sway bar linkage for the truck and
get that installed.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Trever got the barley in behind the office. 
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Drove out to Neil Unger's farm to look at his wheat fields for
the possibility of taking pictures. I didn't see what I was looking
for, partly because of the powerlines going right through the middel
of them! Oh, well. Didn't take any pictures there. I did take a
couple across the street, though.
On the way home, the driver's window of my truck blew. Just bam
- that was it.
Got a rough approval on the last section of the video - 15-1. I
have yet to put all the scripture in it, but the base is good.
Was able to help harrow pack a field for Trevor after supper. It
goes quick with 70' spread, 7mph!
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Called around a bit for a window for the truck. I borrowed Trevors'
Toyota ('Yoda') to get it, as it's supposed to rain today. About
a total of 3 hours (including driving time) to get it and install.
$45 for that (the other 2 quotes were $80 and $75.)
Friday, May 21, 2004
The guys were supposed to come up with their dump trucks and move
a bunch of clay today - at 7:00am. Seven came and went- they were
a no-show. Finally Trevor called, and they said that they just figured
it would be too wet. See, they had mud city where they were (14
miles south!) We, however, didn't get anything. So, after a short
delay, they were up and did a great job. 
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Worked on the video in the morning, and then Friesen came down
to pick up his camper. Took a while to get it on the truck and hooked
up. I decided to go up for the weekend since I had nothing else
going on. The camper lights didn't work so I followed him home.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Don spoke on Serving Others, and Lyle spoke on the Diety of Christ
out of Colossians 1:15-17. Both were good!
Went to the Tasty Wok w/ the Hundabeys for lunch. Don, Jodi, Candice,
Kevin, Aaron, and Lyle and Donna were w/ us too. Good time. Kevin
and Aaron brought me back to John's.
John's folks came over in the afternoon for fasba, so we milled
around, talked and took a drive around the country. 
Monday, May 24, 2004 - Victoria Day
Today is a holiday, but John and Bill were going to work, so I
headed home and worked on the video. Bought a new watch band on
the way, and looked at bikes. Didn't find anything. Made it home
and did lunch by 12:00 noon, and worked till about 7:30 so it wasn't
too bad of a day!
Updated the video chart - PDF - that can be found here.
So far have all the introduction and ending music in place. I need
to find some Closed Captioning software / hardware tomorrow- otherwise
I won't have much to do.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Just a sunset on the way home. 
Thursday, May 27, 2004
As I read my last post, I chuckle, because there's more work of
course. I haven't even been able to try a demo version of Closed
Captioning software I received Tuesday. But that's ok.
Took some pictures on the way to work - about 6:30am. 
Thought I would try a time-lapse video. I took the Kodak DSC Pro
14n, put it on a tripod, set the file to JPEG, size 0.8mp and the
Intervolameter to 10 sec. Then I let it sit there for 20 min or
so and take a picture every 10 sec. Then I took those files (143)
and using a video compositing program (combustion*) was able to
make this -
low-res (152k) -
med-res (315k) (WMV files - Windows Media) (1 second equals
5 minutes.) Now I have plenty of ideas to use this (before one had
to record a ton on a vidoe camera and then take hours to shorten
it down to size.)
Here's a list of pictures - just about everything I shot last few
days. Nothing fancy...
— that's about 250 pictures—6mb worth total.
Col 2:9-10 — For in Him all the fullness of
diety dwells in bodily form,
and you are complete in Him, and He is the head over all rule and
Friday, May 28, 2004
Worked on the video most of the day. Also got a email list up and
running, sent out 200 emails. About 40 came back as bad addresses,
and 20 people signed up today... That's 20% bad addresses, 10% good
return. I think I need to re-write it and force people to sign up!
Also added about 30 pictures to the pack.
Jack and Brenda came over and proof-read 10 sections, about 1:46
worth of video. Only 2 corrections! We finally left after 10:00
Saturday, May 29, 2004
The morning spent organizing video project, and trying to get a
computer setup for closed captioning. This involve a dual boot -
installing WinXP on another dual.
John 15:5 — "I am the vine, you are the
branches; he who abides in Me and I in him,
he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."
Sunday, May 30, 2004
Brent spoke on the Sin Offering (Lv 5.)
After I took off and drove Ram Falls. I learned a few things again:
1. It's a long drive (350k round trip.)
2. Your glad you went when you get there.
3. To shoot the falls, you need to be there in the morning - better
All Scripture is NASB unless otherwise noted. |