Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Spent the day working on the video. Getting pretty much brain-dead,
Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Went up North - to Wetaskiwin - to help Friesen and Bill put tin
on a barn roof. Did this for 2 days.
Friday, June 4, 2004
Came back to Olds, and then to Calgary to help Jim and Leslie move
all their stuff to the office. They put their belongings into a
semi-trailor, and they went as far as Calgary. So we rented a U-Haul
truck, transferred everything into it, drove it to the office, and
unloaded. It'll sit here till they find a place to live.
Saturday, June 5, 2004
Back to Wetaskiwin to help w/ the tin again. Was a good day, though
we didn't get done what we wanted to. One reason was the wind was
very strong - and 27' long sheets of tin doesn't act too well in
wind like that. But we were able to get about half done in spite
of the wind. 
Sunday, June 6, 2004 — D-Day
Ran the sound at church this morning (and for this month.) Brent
spoke on Lev 8, talking about the commissioning of Aaron and his
sons to act as priests. The youth lead the songs.
Had lunch at the Cross' - w/ the Kary's and McCulleys.
Went home to sleep for 1.5 hours, then back to church for the evening
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Helped on the barn roof in Wetaskiwin today as well. Didn't get
it finished because the metal was cut wrong. But probably won't
go up again because of the time involved...
Wednesday, June 9, 2004
Helped cut up 2 beef - took us till about 10:30 PM to finish. 
Sunday, June 13, 2004
After church we went to our annual family camp picnic. It was a
nice, sunshiny day - until we started to eat lunch! Then it gave
us a great thunder shower complete with pea-sized hail. But in the
end we were able to get out in the dunk tank and get a few people
wet at least. 
Came back and Jack / Brenda proofed some more of the video, finishing
up the first half.
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Researching on the DVD authoring systems.
Friday, June 18, 2004
Helped Trevor put up the trusses on his equipment shed - just outside
our shed. 
Jack / Brenda came out again tonight - up to 11-1 finished.
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Worked in the office in the morning, then 'walked the fence' in
the afternoon. I am watching Mile's cattle while he's away on vacation,
and am responsible for about 160 head in at least 5 different fields.
It's ok if they stay in, but if they get out then it's major work.
Found the electric fence was down- probably a moose or deer ran
into it and just went through.
All Scripture is NASB unless otherwise noted. |