Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Dentist - root canal #2.
Thursday, July 8, 2004
My first DVD burned today. Did the tutorial DVD and then on for
chapter 13 of The Stranger. Not too bad, but learning.
Friday - Sunday, July 9-11, 2004
Worked 1/2 day, and then drove up North. Friesen helped work on
my truck (tie-rod ends, welded some holes on the inside of the bed.)
I changed the oil and put on the topper a little better.
Saturday I fixed his electrical (wiring for the water pump needed
armored cable) and then went to Hundabey's and cut down some trees.
Monday, July 12, 2004
At the office alone this week - Andrew / Jim / Leslie are teaching
at camp, Paul / Kathleen are in Nebraska, John and Janice are in
India. Worked on moving the timelines over to a single file to master.
Monday, July 19, 2004 
I see I'm behind again on this journal. Spent the morning getting
ready for the trip, and the afternoon working on closed captioning,
trying to get a DVD burn w/ the subtitles on it before I left. Didn't
After a candle-lit dinner at the Kary's with the Caush's (the power
went off due to a lightning strike,) I headed North to Wetaskiwin.
John's friend Kevin was there too, and we took a quick trip to
the North Quarter to try out the Jeep.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004 
Left Wetaskiwin at about 8:00 AM and stopped at Co-Op to buy an
inverter, which we will discuss later on. Also stopped at the Building
Center to buy some thermoplastic - building adhesive - to caulk
the windows of the topper. One more stop - the bank - to deposit
a check. Ok, time to hit the road.
It was a beautiful day, though the sun beat me up a bit. No one
here is complaining! You'll have to flip through the pictures....
Wednesday, July 21, 2004 
Another good day for driving. Up at 5:50 I guess it was, and drove
to about 9:00.
It is interesing to say the least, to drive, watch your speed,
check the outside temp, monitor the elevation off the GPS, plug
in the inverter / battery charger to charge the camera batteries,
take some video footage, shoot some pictures (pluging in / unplug
the GPS to the camera each time), drink a Coke, eat some Mini Wheats,
pay attention to some lessions that are on MP3, check the map, and
answer phone calls where people ask - "Are you driving safely?"
-- all at the same time.
It makes it harder when the inverter fries your battery charger.
Plus, when that is youre only means of making your digital camera
work, it' puts a little twist on things. I'll have to call in and
see if someone can buy one from B&H and bring it with them on
Saturday... there's enough time to make it work if it all goes well.
I didn't want to stop, but felt like sand in the eyes. You want
to keep going because it's still daylight, and practically no one
is on the road. Most of the people driving here are on vacation,
so they don't need to make good time. There's quite a bit of traffic
during the middle of the day, but morning / evening it's very sparce.
Thursday, July 22, 2004 
Up and running at 6:00 I thought. Not sure of what time zone that
was. But had about 6 hours of driving that day before I made it
to Slana.
The GPS waypoint that I had for Slana was way off, so it wasn't
much help - I can't remember how I got the point in the first place.
So I drove till I found a store (after I thought I passed Slana)
and come to find out it was the General Store that everybody talks
Jay was there and his son Jason, as well as Jay's wife (I forgot
her name- actually I don't think I caught it in the first place.)
Bill came in for a bit, and I met him. I stayed there and talked
w/ them for 15 min or so, before them calling Connie, and finding
where they were, and then giving me directions to Brad's place.
So, I arrived at around 11:00 or so local time, and started working.
Lunch at Brad's 'rental' house, in which time Bill stopped in here
too. I asked why he was following me around, and he said that he
was just checking up on me. Neat fellow. And then back to work till
about 6:15. We went back to the rental house, I grabbed a shower
and then we took off to Bible study at the church.
Met Bill, Ken, and a few others (9 of us total, including Brad,
Connie, Kim and myself.) It was a good time, though I was getting
tired by the end...
It rained, w/ a double rainbow when church was over. Came back
to Brad's for pizza, then I went home to sleep at the other (3rd)
house. This last house belongs to a fellow that is letting us (the
team) stay there, as he's trying to sell it.
Friday, July 23, 2004 
Got up at 7:30 or so, had some peanut butter and jelly fish sandwiches,
read a bit and came to the jobsite. Finished wiring the garage (as
much as I could - still need the panel and some 12-3 wire that will
come w/ the team from Anchorage.)
For lunch we went back to the rental, and Brad had a ton of phone
calls to make before we could go. No worries, part of the job.
Back on the job, once the garage was done, went upstairs and Brad
and I finished framing in the master bedroom walls. There were a
lot of little things to take care of - and it took till 8:00 to
finish up everything, ready to wire.
Came home (rental house - hereinafter called "house #2"),
took a shower and wrote all this up.
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Brad and I drove to Tok, to get a load of lumber. George Pines
is the man that runs the place.
We loaded up Brad's dual axel trailer pretty good, then went to
Fast Freddies for lunch.
Came home, dropped off the trailer, and I went to dig a new hole
for the outhouse, while Brad went home to study for Sunday.
Took a nap, then went to Brad's for dinner. Stayed up and talked,
then went home and to bed.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Went to church - there was about 8 people there this morning, and
it was a good time for sure.
Connie bringing the team back today - arrived at about 2-3:00 pm.
Monday, July 26, 2004
Start work w/ the team today. But first - breakfast! 
Eh, just go look at the pictures for what we did.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004 
Wednesday, July 28, 2004 
Thursday, July 29, 2004 
Work, then the fish-wheel
in the afternoon.
Friday, July 30, 2004 
This was our trip to Valdez, on the coast.
Saturday, July 31, 2004 
August Log