Friday, September 3, 2004
A rather interesting story. Mark and Ruth were going to come up
with their rental van to visit me and the surrounding area today.
Well, they read the fine print of the contract, saying they can't
drive in Alberta! So that left me w/ the option to go visit them
in BC. And that's what I did. I was going to leave at around 12:00,
but Trevor said that the road would be it's worst - long weekend
and all. So I left at around 9:00 am.
Going to Revelstoke for a couple days / nights. It was a nice drive,
able to stop and see things because there was no time rush. Here's
some photos of the trip: 
I arrived in Revelstoke before Mark and Ruth did, so I got my bike
and rode all over town. Then I checked to see if they showed up
yet. No - well, I thought I'd drive to the top of Mt. Revelstoke.
Rode my bike the last 300 ft (see below). Came home and found I
missed the Austins by about 15 min. It was good to see them again.
Saturday, September 4, 2004
I got up and went to McDonalds. Everyone else got up a little later,
and tried to eat the supplied 'breakfast' at the hotel. Oh, well.
The first stop for the day was the Revelstoke Dam Tour. We drove
to catch the free tour of the power generating Revelstoke Dam. Good
tour - would recommend it if you get the chance.
The Dam Tour Guide was a little late, but no skin off my teeth.
Then we went to the Railroad Museum. $6.00 per person, $3.00 for
kids. Another 'it's worth it' stop for the day. 
And then we drove to the top of Mt. Revelstoke. It did look like
it was clearing up a little, and so we thought we would give it
a try. We could drive most of the way, but the last 300 ft. you
had to either hike or take the shuttle bus. We hiked.
Home for pizza, and then a quick slide show of the Alaskan trip.
Sunday, September 5, 2004
The decision was made: Drive both vehicles to Field - just West
of the BC / Alberta border, pile in my truck, and go to Banff. It
turned out to be a great decision - it's only a couple extra hours
to do that for me (cause I'd have to drive back to BC and drop the
folks off.) I'll just let you thumb through the pictures - there's
some discriptions there for you in there. 
After the fact was discovered that there was no room to eat in
Field, we parted ways. I got home at about 10:45 or so that evening.
Monday, September 6, 2004 - Labor Day
Took the time to get some things organized w/ my office. I then
spent a little time learning how to add captions to video / audio
files w/ RealPlayer. I had it working, but then moved it to another
server, and not it's not! Go figure. Learning curve is in place.
Friday, September 10, 2004
Mailed the Audio Master to Hong Kong again - for the AudioBook
that goes w/ The Lamb. Sure hope it makes it there this time.
Haircut 12:30
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Worked in the office for most of the day, except for a couple hours
when I helped Trevor finish up some bins.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Ran sound for the morning service- teaching Rod the ropes to hopefully
get him on his own. After the pancake lunch, I headed up to Wetaskiwin
to help Friesen put an electric sub-panel out by the grain bins.
We hopped to Home Despot in Edmonton and picked some things up.
Monday, September 13, 2004
He rented a Ditch-Witch, and dug the trench for the 4/0 cable.
Pretty big stuff. I made a little shelter for the electrical panel
and hooked that up. At the end of the day it was finished and working,
so I came home - leaving at about 11:00 or so.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Still on Closed Captioning - if you haven't heard, it's a lot of
re-work. Just trying to get things done so that it's ready to caption
on the web, as well as translate to other laguages. (It's pretty
involved, so I won't go into it here now.)
Tuesday, September 26, 2004
John called and asked if I had any pictures of a wagon wheel. Since
I didin't, I drove over to Gordon Kary's place because I knew he
had a wagon out in front of his house. As I shot pictures, he was
telling me that his dad carried all his worldly posessions on this
wagon to his new home. It was interesting getting the history while
I shot photos. Here's a few for ya. 
Thursday, September 28, 2004
Andrew and I drove down to Idaho, for our annual Bible Camp. We
had a good trip- driving through Radium. It was a delayed trip,
cause Andrew pulled in the night before at 4:20am - after finishing
up a boiler job and driving 3 hours home. So I let him sleep, and
we left at about 10:30 or so, arriving at the camp at about 7:00
Friday - Sunday, September 29-31, 2004
GoodSeed Bible Camp, 2004. I didn't take too many photos this year
- though I did try out a Canon in the dark.
October Log