Monday, May 1, 2006
Today I was up in Wetaskiwin - spending some time w/ John and
his family. The real reason for going North was to bring Corrie
home - as she needed to drop off her car there before leaving.
I took a spin on the new quad, then cut up a tree that had fallen
into the field (well, truth be know, John cut it down and it fell
the wrong direction.) After cleaning that up, John and I got his
air seeder checked out and ready for planting. I checked the air
pressure, wheel bearings and hose clamps. We did need to go to
town to get a bearing for the poly-packers, which Nut and Bolt
had one in stock. That was good, as it allowed us to get the thing
back together before I had to leave (3:30 - but turned into 4:15,
and it wasn't my fault this time.)
Drove Corrie home, and then at the Kary's we had a going away
party for her. Sarah, Julie, Mitch, Miss, Mandy, Jim, Les, Trevor,
Esther, John, Janice, Norm (and his wife), Paul, myself, Andrew
and Corrie were there. Hamburgers with cheese in them (or so it
was before cooking.)
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Back in the office today. I was supposed to go through the DVD
from Houston w/ JRC, but he had to take Corrie to the airport this
morning. Finished off burning discs for the Korean translation
of The Stranger DVD. Hope to get those in the mail soon.
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Worked with JRC on the video - finalizing that. Went to JRC's
house for supper and a movie.
Thursday, May 4, 2006
Continued on the video. Got 3 of 4 done. Will have to do the other
later and send a copy up for proofing.
Friday, May 5, 2006
09:00 I met with Laurie at the college. It was good to catch up
on old times, as well as receive some instruction on my climbing
techniques. New equipment on the horizon! At least bought another
book to help out with all that.
Back at the office, I helped stuff Gleanings. At 2:00, I headed
north, stopping in Red Deere to drop off a box at a church along
the way.
John was seeding wheat at Little Popular's field (on the reservation.)
I hung out for about an hour waiting for him to finish, then we
brought the equipment to Bill's place. I just shuttled him back
to get each piece of equipment (2 grain trucks.) 
Saturday, May 6, 2006
The day started out for me by fixing a blown rad hose on Old Blue.
Not a big job, but included a trip to town for a new hose and some
antifreeze. Once done, I brought that over to Bill's field and
started harrowing. I harrowed until it rained. Putting canola (or
anything really) in tall wheat stubble can be a challenge. Harrowing
breaks up the straw so the air seeder doesn't get plugged up with
piles of straw. I did the field close to 3 times trying to break
it all up. (You need a hot, dry day to do the best job, and today
was sunny at first, then overcast, but not too hot.) Once it started
sprinkling, that shut me down.
Since we were down a little, back home we continued looking for
a car. Found a 03 Jetta TDI Wagon just in town, so we took a drive
to have a look-see. The owner wanted $24K CDN ($21.5k US) for one
with 90k km (55k miles). Sure seems too much. In fact, buying new
wasn't much more. So, off to Edmonton we went. The wagon (new 06)
was $32k CDN. Alright, well, what else is available with that kind
of money?
Shopping cars in Canada is harder, because they use the imperial
gallon to determine miles per gallon. That means, that to me -
an American - 16 mpg is the same to them as 20 mpg. So when you
see a car that gets 40 mpg, it really doesn't in my terms.
On the way up to Edm, we were passed by an Oriental fellow in
a minivan - on a double yellow with on-coming traffic. We got his
license plate - because it's the same guy that passed people with
John's mom going the other direction -- at the same time!
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Went to church this morning. It was so good to see everyone up
there again. They asked me to give a quick update, so I talked
about the visa situation and the video I'm working on right now.
Then we went 4 wheeling - with quads. John, Justin, Bill had quads,
I had the trike. We had fun, though we didn't get too carried away.
I dumped it crossing the creek (going up the bank on the other
side) and just tweaked my wrist. Not too bad - noting broken -
for that I'm thankful.
With rain on the way, John finished putting the canola in on field.
I drove Blue to town to get a load of fertilizer.
We just hung out this evening. Good relaxing time.
Monday, May 8, 2006
Drove down in the morning, arriving before lunch.
Supper at the Kary's.
Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Was in the office in the morning finishing up some last bit stuff,
and headed out by 09:30.
The drive south was
grand. Tailwind pushing me the whole way it
seemed. I didn't even have to fill up on the whole 9 hour trip!
Upon arriving in CDA, I stopped at Parkland to try out what they
had. I drove a Corolla with an auto. I liked that - it was a nice,
small, well built car. At the time I'm thinking about something
with more cargo space, but just not settled on the other options.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Trying to get settled in again. Have to set up my computers and
all that. The thought of trying to find the right car is still
a concern, too. Went to Parkland Toyota this morning to check something
out - but forgot what it was.
Worked in the office this morning. After lunch, BI and I went
to look at the Honda Fit. We drove that - (engineering was good
- good design on the interior cargo space, etc. They just forgot
to engineer one thing - the suspension.)
After the Fit, I drove a Kia, that was comparable. The ride of
this was so much nicer than the Fit. 2.0 l engine (poorer economy,
better performance.) Not good enough mileage for me for a small
car. Then I drove the Matrix with an automatic. Not for me - the
way this one shifted was enough to give an old man pause.
After supper, BI and I went to Spokane Appleway Toyota. I drove
the Corolla with a standard. Nice car - it'll do. But I don't like
being treated like a kid, so we kept looking. We asked them for
the best price - that they needed to sharpen their pencil. Their
first reply was MSRP! I couldn't believe it. Should have walked
out just then.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Finished up the video today (at least ready to have it checked
by the director.) Did spend some time looking for a car today too--
We got the web site moved over to the new server. I wasn't real
thoughtful in doing this, so the site may be down a day or so while
it gets put together.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Well, a search revealed a '03 Corolla just 10 miles away. The
asking price was $13.5k, but when it was all said and done, Barney
and I got it down to $11.8k. Still a lot of money, and could have
gone lower, but it's the best thing going around.
After work, I cut down Tom's telephone pole (the tree that I topped
a few weeks earlier.) The neighbor had a trunk that needed to be
cut up, so I went over there after to do that. Got most of it done,
but it got dark so I thought it best to quit.
Saturday, May 13, 2006 
What's the best way to test out a car? Road trip!!
Drove to Mount Vernon, WA - just a short trip - to visit some
old friends from Bible School - Gene and Rose. We go a
long ways back, and it was good to see them again. The car did
around 40-42 mpg (the differenceis because of the difference between
the speedometer and the GPS Odometer.)
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Left Gene's place at about 9:30, and headed West. Drove down 20
to 525. Took a ferry back to the mainland, then down to Federal
Way to see another set of old friends- Dan and Joan. We had a good
time - made a quick trip to the beach before heading home, leaving
at around 5:00.
It was a long drive home, making it by 11:00. The car didn't do
as well, about 38 mpg driving 70 pretty much the whole way.
Maps of the trip
Monday, May 15, 2006
Back in the office today, and on phones. It wasn't too bad, and
it's good to brush up on those people skills. (And I needed a lot
of brushing - but I blamed it on the lack of coffee, which usually
pacified the callers.)
Just one thing to do on the video to make it better, and ready
for the finalizing.
During the day, I was able to get the captioning done for the
short 8 min video. There's still 2 hours yet to do (1 hour has
been typed in and started timing, but not finished.) My hope is
to get them all done this week. It's a lot, but we'll see. Here's
the 8 min. clip. (Quicktime needed)
To be in keeping with family tradition (the Leger's, that is)
I had to be home by 9:00 to watch 24. So here I go!
Tuesday - Friday, May 16-19, 2006
All the time was in the office. Finished the tree next door one
evening. If I remember what I did these days, I'll have to add
it in sometime. But looks like it was mostly office work
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Well, since just about everything is ready, I decided to head
out. I left at 06:53 PT, and drove 13:45 hours to arrive at Bismarck,
ND. Only 931 miles, averaging 68 mph (it's 75 most of the way.)
Sunday, May 21, 2006
From Bismarck to Cataract. 597 miles, 09:16 hours. Left 06:47
MT, arriving 17:04 CT.
After arriving, Phyllis and Jed were out tending the fire, and
Jake came out of the garage. We all hung out by the fire, roasting
bratts (sp?) as well as polish sausage, hot dogs and marshmallows.
It sure was nice to be able to hang out like that! Eldon, Phyllis'
brother and his family was out as well. MAP
Monday, May 22, 2006
Left Jake and Phyllis' house at 9:14 CT. It was a good day for
a drive, and things worked well. Arrived at Joe's at 12:38.
We hung out a bit, and went for the endless bowl of pasta for
After a bit, I decided to continue on to Andy and Marie's for
the night. It was another 4 hours (or so I thought) down the road,
so I started out, knowing that I would be in Chicago at the wrong
time. So, I left at 3:02 CT to be in the thick of things in an
hour and a half.
It was a little crazy down there, but once I made it to the Skyway
(90 toll road) it wasn't too bad. There is still a lot of construction
to drive through to get to that point, but it all worked out well.
Pulling in at 9:21 ET, to see that they now have a new horse!
That'll give Mackenzie some added joy and responsibility. We hung
out to 11:00, but I didn't really realize that it was that late,
because I never knew what time zone they were in (as the county
didn't change their clocks for Savings Time - but now they are
on Eastern Time, and will change for Daylight Savings for the record.)
Map of the day's journey. Part 1 (192 miles, 03:33 hours) - Part
2 (229 miles, 05:14 hours)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Woke up at 6:20 (ET), to see Andy off, before hopping a shower
and heading off (7:09 ET). On the way, I called Al to see if it
was ok to go down to DC for a visit. It was ok, so there's where
I'm going.
But, looking at the map, it sure seems that it would be smart
to take a short cut between OH and WV. On paper, it looks like
a good deal. But - it turned into the ULTIMATE SHORTCUT. I
was 89 miles, and took 2:44 hours! Here's
a map of just the 'shortcut.' But don't let this description
fool you - it was one of the most beautiful roads I've driven on.
Much of it was following a peak along the rounded hills of Western
West Virginia. I should have taken more photos, but at the time
was wondering if I needed to turn around and find another way.
The other factor, was time. I was wondering just how long it was
going to take before I got back to civilization and roads that
you could drive faster than 30 mph on!
The drive took me through a pass that has been cut, to reveal
an interesting rock formation. There are several layers, but they
are bent in a direction that is opposite what one would expect.
Very interesting. 
The trip went well, and was a good trip. Arriving at 8:15 ET.
Al and I just hung around till about 10:00.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Slept in to 8:45, and boy was that nice. King size bed, cool basement
and all!
Al had somewhere to go from 10:00 to noon, as I caught up on some
pagan TV trying to explain away the rock layers (couple of shows
on geology.) Then I took a shower and Al came home.
We hung out a bit, and then we took a fellow to the Metro. On
the way home we stopped at Ihop.
After getting back (now about 3:00 pm) I headed to trim a tree
out back behind the house. Some branches were hanging in front
of the neighbor's windows, and over the deck here. It turned into
a bigger job, as there was a lot of dead branches in there, as
well as other branches that were overlapping others that needed
to be trimmed.
After a shower, we went to the local synagogue, where a lady who
was a Baptist (even through divinity school) who converted to Judaism.
It was interesting, but sad to hear the talk that was so far out.
My questions were like, "Where does sin come into the picture."
They were downplaying Jesus, and didn't believe in the resurrection.
Also, there was a lot of talk of a Messiah, but no real reason
for needing one. But it did help me to think about how to answer
someone from this background.
map of driving around DC a little.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Hung around and talked with Al till about 10:00, then drove to
Philadelphia. On the way, I called to see if it would be ok to
stop in and see Rich and Ricka, as well as Jim and Sally - and
of course Dick and Mildred. I did manage to see 4 of the 6 - for
about 4 hours.
After hanging around, I headed home to CT, arriving at
Friday, May 26, 2006
Hey, I'm home. Just got situated in my room for a bit, and then
headed down to get measured to fit my tux. After that, I sent to
Home Despot, then Lowe's to get some things for mom - light bulbs
and a new burner for the stove.
After getting home, I donned the climbing equipment and cut down
the blue spruce that has decorated our front yard for over 40 years.
It was getting rather odd looking. Most of the lower branches were
cut away, and wasn't nice anymore. Dunk came over to help, which
was nice because I don't have my truck here. He and I hauled it
all out back behind the house, and used the pile to hide the old
Toyota truck and used tire lot we have out back.
Saturday - Monday, May 27-29 - Memorial Day Weekend. 
I spent the time at the conference at church, in which Ron Merryman
was the main speaker. He spoke on "The End of Evil." Needless to
say, it was an encouraging weekend, if for no other reason.
But there was other things going. Saturday afternoon I went over
to Sam and Jen's to trim a tree. Just about when we got started,
it down poured. So Sam, Ethan and I sat on the front porch and
just let it rain. Afterwards, Sam climbed up and trimmed the tree
instead. Not a problem.
Sunday I went over to Fred's to look at the roof that needed to
be re-shingled. 416 square feet (just a dormer roof this time.)
Not a big job you say. And I concur. Except for the 4 large solar
panels in the way. We'll have to figure out how to make that disappear
so we can single underneath them.
Monday afternoon, Jarry and I went to look at some trees that
he has a job removing. Only 5, not too big, but very tall. But
they do look do-able.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Up to meet Jeb in Mystic at a job he's working. He has a couple
trees that he needed help on getting down - one was leaning over
a barn, the other over the fence into the neighbor's yard. With
a little rope, pulleys and willpower, we had them down safely in
1.5 hours. That was all he wanted me to do, so I headed home. Here
I climbed 3 trees in the back yard that needed some trimming.
At 3:00, Jarry called and was done with work for the day, and
so we went to cut the 5 trees we looked at the day before. Not
a bad job - especially since I had my big-shot. By anchoring the
rope high in the tree, we had plenty of torque to put them where
we wanted. 2.5 hours later, we left - all five trees down, Jarry
with a full load of logs, and the rest to pick up tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Off to Fred's. I must say it did take us a while to get things
going. We first started on moving the solar panels. We put rollers
(2" PVC pipe) under them, and rolled it up and over the peak (not
over-over - just over.) Then we went shopping for a shingle shovel
and other assorted things needed for the job (one of which was
a couple cases of Coke.)
For shingle removal, we rigged up the bed liner from his truck
on the lower roof (to act as a funnel) and the spent shingles landed
on the back porch.
Once that was up and ready, I started ripping shingles off, while
Fred fixed his little trailer. I had my singles off by the time
his trailer was done, then we went to town to get the shingles.
Fred then worked on rigging up a way to winch up the shingles
to the roof - which I was a little skeptical that we could make
something in short-order, but in the end was thankful I didn't
have to run them all up the ladder (because it's hard to ask the
62 year old to do such a thing.)
When the light was gone, we had 6 rows of shingles on, and ready
for another day. 