Thursday, June 1, 2006
Again at Fred's - helping with the roofing. Today we finished
the putting the shingles down as well as placing the solar panels.
They weren't hooked up yet, so we didn't have to mess with that.
Moved Fred's website over to our servers, but had a little trouble.
Nothing major - just need to fix some setting - will do tomorrow.
I had to leave by 4:00 to get a shower and what not before the
wedding rehearsal this evening. Nothing real heavy, but just had
to run through some things to be sure.
Map of travel while in CT.

Friday, June 2, 2006
It was a busy day today - lots of running around. First went to
Fred's to get his website up and working. Dropped off the dresses
for the wedding, then Jay and I went to Bob's house to get the
DVD player working. (All that I did was tighten up a cable in the
back.) Once done, I went back to Fred's - because I didn't get
his site up and running just yet. Then I went to Charter Oak to
close my account. Then I went back to Fred's to clean up the deck,
but Jan chased me out. I then went home and slept for an hour.
Still had one job yet to do - to trim the trees by the pond. That
took a couple hours, and got another tree trimming job lined up
because of it.
Saturday, June 3, 2006 - Darrell & Shelly's wedding
Spent the night in the bunk room - just across the way from Dunk's
folk's house. It wasn't the best sleep I'd had, but will have to
do. We were trying to get things get things figured out for the
day--are we having an outdoor wedding or indoor? Well, we got everything
we could together, so that at 9:30 we would make the decision and
stick with that. Unfortunately, part of the everything was setting
up 200 chairs in the lawn! With Dunk, Larry, Chris and myself,
it didn't take too long, but we got it done.
Finally, they decided that it would be best indoors, because of
the weather. No worries, just need to finalize that and we're ready.
Got my suite on, and people started coming. We filled upstairs
up pretty fast, and the overflow was directed downstairs. 3 people,
I think it was, were out back grilling hamburgers and hot dogs.
Lindsey and Brooke got the flowers on us guys, and then it was
time to start. The wedding was short and quick, and I stood rigid
by Darrell's side. Some later said that I looked more nervous than
Dunk, but that's ok.
After the ceremony, the reception line was just on top of the
stairs, so folks would be directed downstairs to the chow line.
Needless to say, it was a casual wedding - which was nice.
I did some photos after that, and they changed and headed out.
Some decorations were done up to the little truck, and Chris and
I put a sign on the van - which was at the farm - their real get
away car.
Once they were off, now was the task of cleaning up the place
and getting it ready for church the next day. We packed the chairs
again (Lindsey and I went to get Dunk's truck for that.) Once done,
I put the photos together for them on a CD, and headed home.
Once home, I packed my stuff and headed out on the road - off
to Illinois, making it to somewhere in PA for the night.

Sunday, June 4, 2006
Drove from PA to Grandma's house, arriving at around 9:30 central
time. Later, I found out that Dwight and Josh had worked on the
roof for about 14 hours that day.
815 miles, 14:53 hours.
Monday, June 5, 2006
Started on Dwight's roof. The West side was under tar paper, and
he and Josh were working on putting new fascia boards down the
edge. There was enough started where I could lay shingles--which
I did until about 6:00.
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Dwight and I laid shingles all day. Josh didn't come in today,
but Jamie did after supper, and with his help, we were able to
finish the back side by 10:00 pm. (Dwight had his 1,000 watt mercury-vapor
light on the end of 'Attachment A2' of the Dwight-o-matic.
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
With Dwight saying he was going to take a day off, and a good
chance for rain, I headed to Jamie and Chris' place to cut some
trees. Originally they wanted 3 down, but when I left after supper,
there were 4 on the ground. All of them had rotten bases, hollow
inside, splitting, and plainly unsafe. It was good to get them
It was a hot day, and I had a hard time keeping going. When I
was done, I had most of the big stuff cut up for Jamie, and will
let him take care of the rest. He has a lot of work ahead to clean
all this up--I wasn't too happy leaving it all for him. That said,
it was real good to have the trees down, though.
*Watch a movie
of cutting the trees**
When I got back, Dwight and Josh had 1/3 of the east side ripped
off. So, they didn't take it off as originally planned. NP
Thursday, June 8, 2006
We finished ripping the rest of the shingles off today, and got
the roof under tar paper before dark. Josh came over again today.
He works 2nd shift at the Toyota plant in Indiana, so he makes
it over by 12:00 or so, and leaves by 5:00 I think it is.
Friday, June 9, 2006
Dwight and I spent the day fixing the fascia down the east side
today. It involved setting up staging, peeling back the decking
plywood a bit, supporting the trusses that overhang, removing
the soffit when needed to replace the 2x8 fascia boards. Then re-installing
the soffit, the aluminum fascia, drip edge, moisture guard, edging,
6 rows of shingles--all before being able to move the staging down
another 10-20 feet.
I was hoping to get this job done today, but we only made it just
over half way.
Later, after supper, we put some stacks of shingles on the roof.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
I started on the shingles, while Dwight worked on the fascia.
A little while later, Jamie came, and he and I put down half the
roof. Josh came in a bit later still, and he and Dwight finished
the edge work, and it was time for supper.
I took off after that to visit Doug, Bob and Valerie--which was
a good time. Doug is building a new house, to the roughed in part
(tar paper on the roof, no electrical or plumbing in yet.) Bob
is looking for a job, as he just moved into the area from DC a
while ago.
When I got back to Browns, they had shingled all the way to the
one bottom corner, and was angled all the way up to the peak.
It didn't take long before we had a real banging thunderstorm!
I sat out on the front porch swing and took it all in.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
First thing was to change the oil in the car. I wanted to have
this done yesterday, but there were more important things to do.
But a half hour later, over the pit, the oil was new and ready
to go. After some quick breakfast and a shower, I headed out, somewhere
around 9:00 am.
I drove till I thought it best to not drive - stopping in Nebraska.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Wanted to make it home today if I could. I also wanted to go through
Yellowstone National Park--which I did. I figured it would be a
good trip as people talk it up pretty good.
At first I was a little disappointed, because a fire had eaten
most of the forest back in '88. So there were a lot of dead forests
standing all around--all beckoning to be harvested. But, with the
wrong world view, these were left to turn into a 'natural' forest--not
realizing that the earth needs to be properly managed.
Map. 788 miles, 16:24 hours. And
crossed the Continental Divide 7 times today - without any backtracking.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Made it home by 9:30 am, but quite tired. The Legers were off
today, and this afternoon I went home for a nap.
Map. 283 miles, 4:09 hours.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
In the office today, working on implementing the closed captioning
changes on the Houston DVD I'm working on. It is suspiring how
time consuming this is. I didn't even finish one hour's worth today.
Also, I went to talk to Mimi about my phone--as it has been shutting
itself off every now and again. After a hard-reboot, it does seem
to be working fine. We'll see in a day or so. Also installed new
wiper blades on the car. It rained almost all day--and has been
very wet here the last couple weeks.
Barney and family left today for Florida for a couple weeks, and
so I moved into their place for the time being. Primarily to take
care of the 3 cats, 1 dog, 5 fish and 2 turtles. It'll be an interesting
couple of weeks.
Friday, June 16, 2006
After work, I went down to the Car
d'Lane - an annual car show
on the streets of Coeur d'Alene. Tonight's the cruise, and ending
with a flame throwing contest.
I think there's over 13,000 cars ('78 and older) parading the
Since I had time, a camera, and lots of space on my cards, I shot
a lot. There's about 30 posted if you want.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
This morning, I went to Leger's and fixed the electrical for Tom.
They were putting up some sheetrock on the garage, and screwed
a 2x4 to the wall - but unfortunately, the electrical contractor
didn't run the wires very well - and then one of the screws went
through a wire, shorting it out. Once I found it, I was able to
correct the problem. Took about 3 hours.
This afternoon, I want down to the Car d'Lane in time for a few
photos. Not too many today - too many people, and I didn't want
to just take close ups.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Went to church, Joshua 12 at Calvary Chapel in Post Falls.
After that, I took a drive around the lake. Total distance was
143 miles, but 25 or that was on the bike. It was a good ride,
but was a little much for me for now!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Finally finished off the changes for the Closed Captions - now
it needs another proof, as there were many changes. Faith will
be out, as they are leaving for the weekend early, and Chantal
will be leaving on Saturday for a couple weeks. Might have to find
someone else to work on that.
Rachel is working on designing the cover of the album - based
on the new And Beginning with Moses cover. I would like
to use that design for the Menu structure of the DVD, so might
be a little while longer before I can put that together.
DC, CC, RB and I went to RS's for supper - MJ was making tacos,
and some of the gang stayed behind to watch the ball game.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Working on my website today - formatted things to as they are
now (thumbnails, lightbox Javascript, etc.)
Also, Derek and I wanted to see the difference between a 14mm
and a 30mm lens. And for kicks, I threw in a 70mm and a 200mm
in here as well:
Thursday, June 22, 2006
With the DVD on hold, (awaiting desing work) I've been trying
to knock off some loose end projects sitting around. I ordered
some Angel Awards for past videos, so we can have a complete set
for the office here and up in Canada. Also put a DVD together for
the folks in Chennai, India - something that is a little overdue.
Also took about 100 photos for stuff here in the office - some
things to sell on Ebay, some for product photography - new translations
of The Stranger for the new website. Shooting is easy, it's working
the photos over later that is take the time.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Another day at the office--working again on odd jobs.
The Budweiser Clydesdales are in town, so I ran over to get a
couple shots. They are to be in a parade tomorrow in Rathdrum.
Beautiful horses, so they are. I'm happy that someone is shoing
the public the wonderful creatures (so as to give the Creator the
glory)...however it's too bad a beer company is the one doing it!
But still, I was thankful to get a good look at these huge horses.

Saturday, June 24, 2006
This morning, I took DC and CC to the airport. They are on their
way to Czech Republic. I told them to look up my relatives - so
we'll see what comes of that. OH, and for them to take lots of
After working a bit at home on my finances, I decided to go for
a bike ride. But before I could do that, Rachel called and said
that she couldn't roll up her rear window. So, I went over there
to help out. Turns out, (after taking just about everything out
of the inside of the door) that the worm drive gear was cracked.
This meant that when the worm drive pinion gear (whatever it's
official name is) spanned the crack, the teeth didn't line up and
was jammed.
The trouble with this, is that the car is designed to be assembled
with the window down - so with it up make it rather difficult to
disassemble and re-assemble. But no worries, we got it up and
then pulled the fuse so it would stay up.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Went to church at the new Calvary Chapel CDA church, meeting
in a school room. It was a good time, this time out of Acts 2.
After church, I went over to help Mike, from the church, who is
moving his business into another building. A lot of work to do
by next Friday--when is when he is supposed to be out of his old
place. When I got there, it was basically a shell--a steel structure
with 2 walls (side and back) of just insulation. We need to build
walls over this, build a welding room (10'x28') inside here, complete
with electrical, ceiling, and exhaust. That, and move all his stuff
out of the other building by Friday.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Office work today, and worked with Mike tonight.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Today I figured that I would drive to Canada tomorrow. So it was
last minute things that kept me busy. At night I cleaned up Barney's
house and got ready for the trip tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Drove to Canada today. Left with about 600 pounds of books, which
didn't fit very well, but managed. It rode just fine, though it
wasn't as tall as it used to be.
Crossing the border went well too. No hassle, just had to
enter what I had into the computer so they could bill us the GST
I drove through the Crowsnest Pass, which was light on traffic.
But it put me through Calgary at just the wrong time. I forgot
about that part this time. Wasn't too bad, but there were a couple
accidents that slowed things down. I stopped in on Paul and Kathleen
- which was a good thing, because they were just sitting down for
dinner, and there was plenty to go around.
Upon arriving in Olds, I stopped at Jim's to look over the basement.
Hung out a bit and headed to Graf's for the night.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Up, unloaded the books at the office, then back to Jim's. We managed
to get a lot done on the electric (he is putting in his basement
- it wasn't finished when they moved in) but will have to finish
up in tomorrow. John, Janice, Chantel came over for supper, which
was wonderful.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Finished Jim's electrical. It took longer than expected (seems
like it almost always does), finishing at around 9:30. But with
Jim's help most of the day, we were able to get things buttoned
up quite well.
I headed up North after that, and arrived at Friesen's by 11:30
or so. All was quiet, so I came in, went down and took a shower.
When I was done, John was up and we hung out till 1:00 or so.