John's comments from life.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Woke up at 5:30. Yeah, I know.
But made it to Dave’s house by the alloted time of 7:00. Come to find out, the other 2 guys that were going on this trip backed out—one just last night. So it was me, Dave and Morgan.
It was a good day, not too hot. All in all, we drove (from Dave’s place) a total of 117 miles, rode our bikes 7.3 miles in the woods, then hiked a total of 3.6 miles (all figures are round trip.) It was a nice time - the trip took us to an old growth cedar forest, where some trees are 6-7’ across. Even bigger if there were 2 trees growing together. Here we had lunch and headed back.
We did have to stop at the Granite Falls on the way, and there was another old growth Cedar gove, which they claimed were up to 2,000 years old (some of them - I don’t think we found them.) It’s a national park that everyone can go and see.
This took most of the day - came home for a nap and rest for the rest.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Interesting day today. Woke up at 5:00 to provide transporation for Tom and 2 buddies. We drove to drop one car at one part of a bike trail, then I rode with them to the top of lookout mountain. They then dis-embarked and rode, while I drove the van back to where my car was, and then headed home. They had a 47 or so mile ride ahead of them, starting out with 6 miles on the interstate (downhill, so that part was.) But it was a neat way to start the day.
Back in the office (several projects on the go) Russ asked me to run to the Post Office, which I did. But right before I got there, I realized I didn’t have my wallet - and figured out that it was in the van still. So I came back to the office, where Russ gave me a check. Back to the Post Office—just to find it was closed! Apparently they don’t open on Saturdays. Oh, well - no one likes ‘wasting time’ like that, but I had to get over it.
Spent the rest of the day figuring out our webstore (at and converting it to accomidate 4 other stores (for Canada, Australia, UK and French Canada.) Basically spent the rest of the day working on that, and by the end of the day got a good handle on it—it’s coming together nicely. I have just to implement the changes that I uncovered to the rest of the pages—nothing (from my standpoint) to figure out, but there will be something that’ll stump me, I’m sure.
After supper I lounged around with the Legers for a couple movies. Nice to chill for a bit.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Typically on my previous dailylog, I didn’t type anything when I stayed and worked in the office, because it’s just boring stuff. No photos, just-worked-on-the-computer-all-day-ong type of stuff. But, trying to at least note the projects I’ worked on, for reference sake, if needed to figure out something years from now (which is what applying for a visa to another country does for you. You have to answer questions like: “Give details of what you have been doing during the past 10 years or since age 18, whichever period is longer, starting with the most recent information. Include jobs held, periods of unemployment, periods of study and any other use of time, such as time spent traveling in search of a country of refuge, stays in hospitals, prisons or other places of confinement, and periods spent at home as a homemaker. You must not leave gaps.” (And they give you 5 lines.)
Yesterday I learned of a new project to add to the list. So far I have a few on my plate now:
1. Re-master the 11 hour long DVD series with the new logo. Not as bad as it sounds, but does involve some time.
2. Create a new DVD series - it’s pieces parts of the above mentioned DVD - so that people who want to read through the book (The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus) but still utilize the ‘good stuff’ on the DVD. This includes clips from the Middle East, as well as visual aides and other ‘timbits’ (for you Canadians.)
3. This above DVD series also needs a Stranger book marked with when to read / when to watch the DVD. So that’s another thing to add to this.
4. Finish off the Powerpoint presentation for The Lamb. It’s basically done, just needs audio put on, complete with the timing.
5. Configure and implement a store for—for each country: Canada, UK, Australia and French Canada. (I think I’ll need help with the last one.)
Today, got up to chapter 5 of the new DVD Book, and chapter 14-3 with the video segments. It’s moving quickly.
And today I was asked to do some photography. I’ll stop there - don’t want to wear you out!
Derek and Chantal drove out today. Derek came on Aug 3, 3 years ago. Good planing, eh? We’ll miss you guys!
After supper (at Barney’s) I helped him hook the wiring up in his car for his new trailer hitch. Took longer than expected, but it turned out great.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
That’s what I did today. It was good to roll the old truck out once again, and the trip to Spokane was just a lot of fun.
We really started helping at around 9:00, bringing boxes down from the 3rd floor, then packing my truck w/ boxes. Russ came with his Surbussan and a cube trailer, which took the other stuff, like hide-a-bed couch, bed, and the rest of the furnature / boxes / bikes.
In Spokane, the shipping container was 6’ x 7’ x 7.75’. That’s small (in case you were wondering.) One of the topics of discussion, was how much gas would it cost for me to drive everything down in my truck / trailer combo - and would it be worth it. The difference was about 3-4 hundred dollars, so we continued in packing in the stuff. Barney did most of the fitting, and did a good job of it. We were able to fit in all the boxes, couch, bed, table and some odds and ends in that dinky space. The things left behind will either be sold, donated or held onto and delivered later.
After that was done, we had supper at Russ’ as a informal going-away party for Hung out with Barney after that.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Got a lot done today - worked on the Interactive DVD - up to Chapter 8 on the video side, chapter 5 on the book side.
Went to the office where our servers are kept, and plugged in my USB External HD, to download all the websites-to save doing that over the internet. One of my projects is to help set up the stores for Canada, UK, AUS, and French Canada. That - and to work on little changes / fixes on the current website (like fixing the wrong dates for the TERM seminar—should be able to get to that tomorrow.)
Also, helped Derek and Chantal move—just a little. Got the washer / dryer and a couple book cases out today. Tomorrow we take the rest to a trailer in Spokane and pack and stack.
Been thinking of a place to live - but again - not knowing if I’m going to Canada or not makes plans hard to do.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Just another day in the office. Printed off a couple three sets of the new Interactive DVD Stranger - the project in the works. One set will go to Korea, another to India I think it was, and the third up to the Canadian office. Burned a DVD to go with it as well.
Today is month end, and I get to do inventory. Took me about 4-6 hours (didn’t keep time on it, see?)
Now off to Legers to re-route a telephone line. But first to stop at Home Despot to see if they have the special connectors for a phone patch job. Hope so!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Got to church this morning at 8:35, to find that most all the sound equipment was already set up. That’s too bad, because I was hoping to get in on that, and I did a little. I ran sound this morning, and it went very well. Had some PPT problems (but, does that surprise anyone?) Rick taught on Acts 4.
After church, I hopped in my car, and caught BK’s 2 for 1.29 special, and headed up to Newport. It was just under 50 miles to get there from here.
Dave was home, Katie and Morgan wasn’t. We grabbed some guns and headed to the mountains. I’m not used to shooting assault rifles, but it’s quite interesting. The .44 pistol was a blast too (no pun in ten did.) With the .223 we almost got a round to go through 3/8” steel. Quite interesting.
After that, we hiked to the top of the hill - not going far - just about a mile and a half total. Beautiful day today - just around 70°F - that’s 21°c for those of you north of the border.
In the evening, I just worked on Soduku.