Today we cut up the steer- finished weight of 230.5 pounds. Started at 9:30, finished at 6:30, with a good lunch in the middle. We put it all to hamburg because of the stress the animal went through. (While we were cutting, we cooked up some stew beef, and it was quite chewy!) There was John, Janice, Jim, Trevor, Esther, Mitch, Sarah and myself.

John's comments from life.
Cut the Beef
Google's page rank
Today I first noted my site reaching Google’s page rank of 1 (of 10). Not real impressive, but just wanted to note the date.
Also, I’m #3 for ‘krajec’, under my brother ( but beat out my uncle ( Sorry, Uncle Bill!
Iraqi's testimony
This evening, I had the privilege to listen in on the testimony of an Iraqi’s story, of how he lived in Iraq as well as his journey in searching out the truth. He now is a Christian in ministry, and one of the directors for the website
One thing that I didn’t think about came to light for me tonight. He was saying (and I’ve heard before) that Muslims say that the Bible is corrupted. They also say that it is (or was) the Word of God, as they say about the Quran. Here’s the question: If God can’t protect the Bible (His Word), then how can we be sure that He protected the Quran? They would have to be both right (assuming they are both the Word of God) but then that begs the question - how come they are in such conflict with each other?
Well, the result is obvious - The Bible is true, the Quran isn’t. The evidence, both through manuscripts as well as the content is overwhelmingly clear, and for that I’m thankful.
He was saying that most Muslims don’t like to talk about hard questions, like: “What happens to you after you die?” They have beliefs, that the way to guarantee paradise is to die in service to Allah. Other than that, your ‘good has to out weigh your bad’ - a common concept worldwide, in all other religions. So, if die a ‘normal’ death, then they don’t know for sure what’s going to happen when the ‘get there.’
It was questions like this that led this fellow to read the Quran, and then the Bible to finally come to be able to answer these questions.
In the office
Just a quick update - been working in the office here, answering phones while the rest of the office staff are having fun driving to Vancouver. JC and JM are here too, so I’m not all alone here.
Been working on trying to figure out how to help in Jim’s basement, as the bathroom’s not finished (plumbing-wise) and I have no plumbing tools. Good time to buy some, I reckon! But there’s enough tape and mud to do to keep me busy for a while. Lots of corners and angles to work around.
Been going back and forth between Janice’s and Esther’s for supper. One day here, one day there. And that’s been good, of course!
Not your typical day in the office...
In case you haven’t heard, I’m in Canada now. I drove down to the Olds office (from Wetaskiwin) this morning. Just after lunch, Trevor called, and said that there was a steer down over at Mile’s farm (1/2 mile away.) It was either kill and dress it out today, or forget the whole thing. So JRC and I went over to take care of the dirty work.
I was a little earlier than JRC, and helped Miles finish giving the last of the vaccination shots. The he helped us with taking care of this steer. Sure was nice to have his help - especially the front-end loader!
So there we are, working in the mud, trying to get the hide off and the guts out. All in all it went just fine. The temperature was just perfect (~40°f / 5°c) for this sort of thing - not too cold, not too hot. I think there will be at least a couple hundred pounds of hamburg on this one. But that’ll will have to be determined later, once we get the grinder going.
About 6:30 we were all finished (showered and all). But my hands still smell through~!
Back in the office again
At first, I was wondering if I was going to stick with it, but Russ threatened me that if I didn’t feel good that he was going to take me to the doctor. Well, I’m pleased to submit that I made it through the day just fine. And with good success. My project today was the Interactive version of The Stranger. I finished going through all 120 video clips, and set the computer up to convert those to mp2 overnight, so I can put them on a DVD to test again. Tomorrow my goal is to get the changes in the book part of this project.
Even after supper, I spent a couple three hours working on Fred’s site ( You can’t see anything that I’ve done yet - we are still working on a magazine article that we are sticking in there.
One note of interest: I talked with a fellow that will be leaving the country with his wife for 3-5 years, and there might be a possibility of house-sitting for them. There is a lot to happen before anything to happen, so don’t get your hopes up yet. Other people are interested in staying there too, and since I’m only me, it doesn’t make much sense to use a whole house when it could help out others. But all in all, I’m not sure what will happen. As is the purpose of this site, I’m recording it to look back and remember what was going on and how God was working!
News Brief
Not feeling the best last couple days - nothing too major - just a sinus headache and I run out of energy for the day at about 10:30.
I’ve been watching Russ & Karyn’s house for a week now - as they took a trip to Fairmont, BC, Canada. It’s been good to help out, feed the dog and get the mail. Oh, and watch Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Concerning which, while it was a lot of work to produce these movies, I am not impressed with their content. What a hopeless story - even though the ‘ring’ gets destroyed in the end, evil does not. Only the Bible has an answer for the evil problem. Evil will be judged and confined for ever and ever.
Spanish STR reprint arrived today
I realize my site has been quiet for a while. It’s not that nothing is going on, but rather just didn’t get to putting anything up on the site.
But today, we received 3 skids of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus in Spanish. The new electric forklift worked just fine—so thankful to have that. I didn’t get to run it today, as the driver needed help moving skids around inside the truck.
But once we got it inside, I was able to ‘re-package’ the skids into 2. The reason for this is because we are expecting another 7 skids of Tabernacles, then another 20 skids of Tabernacle Furniture. Still a month later we will be getting about 7 skids more yet. So we need to pack and stack as best we can!
2 DVD's finished
Just a quick note to record the fact that “What’s in a Name” and “Flying Truth in Formation” is finished (my part, anyway.) These DVD’s were mastered back in June as a ‘pre-release’. Now, with a new logo and a cover design, they should be available this month sometime. Sure glad to see this come about!