Caleb and Kim Terpstra

McCarthy cabin - Fred and I put solar panels on to keep the batteries charged in between visits. After that was done, I hiked up to Bonanza Mine, and Fred did too, but he took his motorcycle to about 5100’ before hiking. But when he went up and took off his jacket, and forgot it on the way down, so he had to go back up the next day to get his jacket!
After church, we took a 20 mile drive down Nebesna Road and took an easy hike out in the bush a little…
Woke up at around 8:00, when the dozer started. Not too long after, we all were out, cutting small trees and dragging them into the woods. The dozer operator dug up much of the yard, clearing stumps which I worked at straightening up for the rest of the day.
Now we have a wider entrance for the driveway, and a circle drive-around with a lot more parking. Very nice indeed! More work yet to get the yard finished, and not sure when we’ll get to that.
After arriving last night (or early this morning, rather), we got up and started working on different projects. During breakfast we fixed the 3 way switch for over the kitchen counter island. Then it was installing light fixtures in the living room and entranceway. We also moved a lot of things out of the yard here up to the other house (as the excavator came to fix the driveway.)
Once that was done, I think it was time for supper.
After which, I started cutting tile for Brad, and he was measuring and setting. This was for the backboard around the kitchen. And this project took us till about 11:00 or 11:30 - I don’t remember what it was!
2275 miles
38 hours, 24 min driving time
6 hours, 50 minutes stopped time
45 hours, 15 minutes total - roughly.
“Why do people try and use science to explain a literal interpretation of the Bible?”
This question was posed to me on my travels, after (or during, rather) a 4 minute video presentation of how Noah’s Flood could have happened. The comment didn’t end there, moving to other aspects of thoughts about the Bible and it’s interpretation.
This took me back, as not having a literal interpretation of the Bible was not even a thought I had (and wondered why people entertained the thought of an allegorical interpretation.) I could have engaged in a more meaningful discussion here, but didn’t see any openness to discuss this further. But it did get me thinking a little on the subject.
If people have a allegorical interpretation of the Bible, then who decides what it is actually saying? Everyone. It’s up to the individual to pull its meaning, which, in turn, puts the individual in the seat of ultimate authority, not God. Don’t forget that the heart of man is “desperately sick” (Jeremiah 17:9). I was presented with the thought that ‘God speaks to each of us individually when we read His Word.’ I would agree to the point that the thought being communicated by the Spirit is from a literal interpretation, not some ‘hear say’ thoughts of the scripture.
The only way to understand what God was trying to teach us, is to read the Bible in such a way that it’s a letter from God, to be interpreted in a factual, literal, and understandable way. To do otherwise will not give the truth of the message. And if it’s not truth, then it’s a lie.
I left Sturgis around noon, and drove only to Butte. I might have been able to make it the rest of the way, but not having a good night’s sleep for the last couple nights helped make the decision to stop and take some time. Made it back to CDA at around 11:30 AM.
Left around 8:00 to go to Sturgis, SD to visit Fred.
I didn’t like driving with so many bikes around. They don’t think much of other people - one guy pinned his breaks in the fast lane to get in with his buddies (motorcycles stop a lot quicker than a car does…). And another fellow was slowing down for an exit - no signal or brake light - and I didn’t catch it until it was uncomfortably close. I’m thankful that there were no accidents that I saw, which is almost a miracle with thousands of bikes combing the streets.
Left this morning around 7:00 am and drove straight to Douglas NE. Had a good visit with the Dallmann crew.
Today was a day to visit folks - Dave, Sam, Nikki, Doug, Audre, Mom, Dad, Bob, Valerie, and in the evening I went to see Josh and Teresa to shoot their kids. It wasn’t as easy as it looked, but managed to come home with something good enough, I hope!
Saturday was the official day of the rebellion, but today those that were here got together and had a good evening just hanging around. For the most part, it was folks that are close - people that I already knew (aunts / ucnles / cousins and the like.)
For those that came early and wanted to, we ate at The Black Buggy, which sort of kicked off the rebellion. There was only 17 of us. Food was good, but there were no Amish folks (though apparently 2 come down during the day to cook.)