Just a quick note saying that I am pressing on with the new loan for the 2 bdrm / 2 bath condo here in town. Hopefully it won’t take too long, but one never knows…

Just a quick note saying that I am pressing on with the new loan for the 2 bdrm / 2 bath condo here in town. Hopefully it won’t take too long, but one never knows…
The week before last, we received 10,000 WorkBooks. But they were packaged in boxes too small for the books! So my job was to unpack 442 boxes of books, then re-box them with the correct size box. It was a job.
And last weekend, we had our TERM seminar here in CDA. My reproducibilities during this time was to run the office, and so I didn’t get in on the TERM teaching. TERM stands for The Emmaus Road Message - a way that we teach through the whole Bible. Around 20 people went through the teaching, with most of our staff. It was a good time—I did get in on supper and some odds and ends.
Many have been asking how the housing / condo thing has been going. With the lien on the new complex holding things up, I’ve started looking around (again!) for other options.
Really, there are only 2 other options, both for more money. One is a new 2 bed / 2 bath condo in Post Falls, for $16,000 more than what I’m getting here, and another condo here in town (2 bed / 2 bath) listed for $21,000 more. This second one, however, has been on the market for almost a year (started at $150,000, now $130,000) and might entertain an offer less. It has a handicap bathroom and some other things that, in my view, detract from its value.
But I can’t make an offer on either of these, until Oct 23, when my contract with the realtor w/ the first condo expires (he hasn’t been much help, and I don’t want to go through him, also, I don’t want to rock the boat on the first option I have - I want to keep that first condo option open for now, as it’s my cheapest route.)
That all clear as mud?
Thanks for your prayers in all of this!
Oh, the good news. I did get my washer / dryer / fridge!
Yeah, I’m back in Idaho. But not before driving 1600 miles EAST with “Idaho or Bust” on the back of our trailer.
And, on the way back to Idaho (another 1600 miles, in case you aren’t too good with math) we did get busted. Just a flat tire, which was fixed in an hour (no spare - so we took it off and into town for a new one.)
Condo update:
Seems as though there’s a lien on the unit complex of around $160,000 placed July 2007 which needs to be taken care of before my bank will let me purchase. Which is a good thing, depending on how you look at it. Who knows how long this will take. I was going to look around again to see what was available, you know, just in case.
Today Jake and Ryan drove in, with a truck / trailer load of their stuff. I helped them unload the load, and this Thursday the three of us are planing on driving back to Wisconsin to get another load. Then Ryan and I will bring the next load out, Lord willing next Monday / Tuesday.