After our record snow last week, it seems that this year is a repeat from last. What I mean, is that it seemed for a while last year, it snowed every day. Here’s the forecast for this week. Notice the blue on the bottom (snow!)

After our record snow last week, it seems that this year is a repeat from last. What I mean, is that it seemed for a while last year, it snowed every day. Here’s the forecast for this week. Notice the blue on the bottom (snow!)
For me, there isn't enough hours in a day. I don't know where this came from, but back when I was a kid (you know- in my 20's) it sure seemed that things for the day were getting completed just fine. I'd cut grass, build something or cut a tree down (then back up, which is why it took so long....) It seemed at the end of the day, it was time for the day to end. But now that I have office work, and a whiteboard full of projects to do, then going home and seeing all that yet needs to be done, the hours just seem too few.
Some projects completed lately:
There are many projects that I would love to tackle, and will come in time I hope!
Starting yesterday, we probably have received around 30" of snow in the past 24 hours. I don't have all the facts, but needless to say, it is a lot of snow. It took more than 2 hours of shoveling to do just our sidewalks this morning. Being only a mile from work, I was able to walk in and fill orders. UPS hasn't showed up yet, and wouldn't be surprised if they didn't, even though I did see Tony (our UPS driver) 3 times in the course of the morning's travels. But Ryan is our PickUp driver, and...we'll see if he makes it in. No problem if not and totally understandable! Actually will be surprised if he does. (This was a dilemma of mine: Should I have orders ready or not? I figure he might not like being out today, but if he has to be, wouldn't it be nice to be able to pick some packages up? Better than being out and not picking anything is what I figured, so I have 6 orders for him waiting.)
Earlier in the day I received a call from a friend who was stranded - the packed snow from driving back from the airport flipped the serpentine belt off his engine. I drove down to help out, but had to help a lady in our condo units get her car off the road first. All in all, I think I only helped out 4 people stuck, which wasn't bad. Most people stayed home like they should. Except for another neighbor, who thought her front-wheel-drive car would go through 26" of snow, and took only 10 feet to realize it wouldn't : )
I thought I better get an update up. Last week our web team met for a couple days (Thursday and Friday) in Olds, Alberta. It was a good time, but too short. At least it'll get us started moving forward as a group, which should be very helpful.
Drove home on Saturday, made a batch of bread on Sunday after church, and visited my local sporting good store after work today. That's what the pictures are all about!
Yes, I'm in Canada again. This trip has been for a team meeting for those working on the GoodSeed website. Since more of the folks involved are in Canada, it just made sense that I come up and not them come down. We are meeting today at tomorrow, and I should be heading back to ID on Saturday or Sunday.
This evening, we had our Christmas party at the Kary's. It was a crowded but good time to hang out and celebrate Christ's coming a long time ago. Lots of wonderful food, fellowship and a White Elephant gift exchange at the end to finalize the festivities.
On the way home from visiting the Ketcham’s / Snyder’s over the weekend, I had the opportunity to drive through Mt. Rainier National Park. I stopped to hike up Crystal Peak, which took about 3 hours going up, 1:40 down, and just over 3,000 feet up (6,611 on my GPS). It was a great way to help offset some of the ‘activities’ this weekend.