After church I went out to Bob Evan’s for dinner, which is always a good time. Rick and Susan and fam were there, too. After, went home to finish laundry and chill out, trying to rest up for next week’s work!

After church I went out to Bob Evan’s for dinner, which is always a good time. Rick and Susan and fam were there, too. After, went home to finish laundry and chill out, trying to rest up for next week’s work!
Today the lift came in at around 7:30 this morning, and I was able to use it all day trimming out the windows. I was hoping to get all 12 done, but only got to 9. We had snow for a good part of that, which was fun while it lasted (which was most of the day!) The other guys worked on finishing up some drywall inside. Things are coming along! Thanks for the pictures, Allen!
Spent most of the day doing as much as I can outside, that can be done without a lift. Moving some electric plugs so they line up on the tin, and even putting a couple three pieces on.
It's been a saga, really, in trying to get one as the fellow who is trying to help is super busy, and the lift that's free for us to use is broken. So he hasn't been able to get the time to get that fixed. But... my friend's lift up North may be available here in a day or two, so I may be looking at getting that instead. Wisdom is needed for sure in dealing with these 2 scenarios, as they are relationships, not lifts, in the end. Hopefully we'll be able to get something soon!
Today I drove to Idaho, primarily to get some inventory up to Canada. Not sure how long I’ll stay, but good to get out for a bit!
I’ve been working on the outside tin for a few days, and even had help for most of that. Trimming out the windows takes time, especially adding a 2x6 board around to give more depth to the trim. That’s 2 pieces, plus 4 pieces of 1x4 to wrap, and 8 pieces of tin for each window. It goes faster as you get going. And part of yesterday / today I spent pre-cutting the tin so once I get a lift, it won’t take much time to get the windows trimmed out. So, I made a template for those, and cut out the tin for the next 12 windows. It took about 20 minutes to cut each one out. Yet to do are cutting up the 2x4 and 1x4 so they are ready to go.
The lift is still a question. We can get one from Calgary, but don’t have transportation. I can wait a little and get one from Wetaskiwin, and once it’s here, I don’t have to return it any time soon. Still trying to figure out the best road to travel.
Today lived up to it’s name. It was tough getting going again after having 3 days at Bible Camp this weekend. Even though there wasn’t much work to do, sitting and paying attention to 5 hours of classes each day wasn’t much of a break, as good as it was. I was hoping to get a breather these days, but that didn’t happen till Sunday afternoon where I was on the couch for several hours!
The good news was that it was in the 40’s today (teens for the Celsius folks). Bad news was it was windy, though not too bad. We started on the outside tin today. I worked on putting trim around the windows, and after lunch I had Brad and Steven putting up 1x4 nailers (for the tin.) I also had Dave and Sally running my trim boards through the table saw to size for the screws used to fasten the windows. Lots of interruptions today, and didn’t get done what I had planned. I wanted trim on the 3 man doors and 2 windows on the bottom front, but only got 3 of the 5 finished (at 8:40.) I actually was surprised that I was able to work the tin trim after dark. Black trim isn’t the easiest to see, but the neighboring cement company’s lights were enough to keep on going!
Here’s a shot of my daily commute. 2 miles, and just over 5 min to get there. If I don’t stop for coffee on the way, that is.
Working today was a little tough. Just because it was on of those days were it seemed as though I was dragging for a good part of it. I spent most of the day in the boiler room, putting up drywall so we can do the plumbing later. (It’s rather difficult to do drywall after the all the plumbing is installed!) But the room is all shapes and sizes, so it’s a tedious job cutting for that. Got the words part of it done, so that was good.
Today we had several people come and help out. All in all, there was a total of 9 people working, plus those who helped with coffee and lunch. We had 2 crews putting drywall on the walls, and the rest of us were working on different projects, trying to stay ahead of the drywallers. They got the conference room, a couple offices, and some other outside walls more-or-less completed. There is still lots to do, but sure seems like it’s going quickly.
Rob was one, and ran the gas line to where the boiler is going. He also went around and helped find things that still needed to be done, and created yet another list (nicknamed “The Ten Commandments” as they are written on tablets of cardboard.) This will be my punch list come Monday to make sure things are hammered out.
The time is getting short, as I’ll soon be outside putting up the exterior tin, which may take a couple weeks after I start. I’ve been told it’s just over a week’s worth of work, but that’s for guys who know what they are doing. We’ll see in time, I reckon. But I am looking forward to getting that done. There is still a question where we will be getting a boom-lift, but confident that the details will work out in time.
Sorry, no pictures today. Someone forgot to take them!
Today was a good day. Brad and I did the main video room (the largest one to the east.) Gary and Dave worked on poly and insulation in the audio / video editing rooms. Monday we did the room with all the workstations (west side), and yesterday I let Brad work in Joe’s office (among other things) as I worked on electrical and planning with Rob. But I did quit early today at 5:30 for a change. But the night was still full yet.
Sorry, no pictures. Might just wait on those till Saturday. We’ll see.
Today started with some last-minute electric changes, then John showed up. I had him poly the ceiling in the hallways before everyone else showed up. Then we started in on Sheetrocking the ceiling. Finished John’s office and the conference room. It’s a little slow-going at first, but will progress as we get the hang of things!