John's comments from life.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Instead of watching the playoffs, I read a book. And listened to it rain. All day. Well, until Randy comes over for Hearts… where I won 2 of the 3 games we played!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Formatting a book can be a straight-forward deal. The Lamb in Yakut was that at first. First we receive the translated files, I simply copy / paste the information into the book, save a PDF and send that to be checked. Any changes that are needed come back and take care of those and send a file to be checked again. This process usually happens 3-4 times before everyone is happy with how it goes.
Such was the case here, until we went to print. The printer said he couldn’t use the file I sent (which was the same as what I send to every print job I’ve done to date), oh, and the page size needed to change. This is a little more work because now all the design needs to be tweaked to accommodate the new size. This wasn’t too big of a job (only a day’s work) and progressed rather methodically. But the file type was still a problem.
The solution, as first thought, was to send PostScript files instead of PDF. That’s all find and good, except they are at least 10x the size. So instead of 300mb of files, we are looking at 3gb of data. While it is possible, it’s difficult finding a service that you can use to send so much data. After a bit, they got back to me and said if I use Distiller on the PS files, that should work just fine.
So, that’s what I did today. Created PostScript files, transcoded w/ Distiller and sent via I’ll find out later if all is well, or if changes are needed yet. It is my hope / prayer that all is well, as it’s a project that has been in the works for (as far as my involvement) for over 7 months. It is neat to see things come together.
For more information on Yakuts people.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Today was one of those days where there seems to be a million things going on, but not much of anything gets done. The good news is at the end of the day I had all my check boxes checked, and then headed to church for the Wed eve service. Brian was up, and I sat w/ Evert and Marty and their wives. See, I forgot their names already. Have to work on that. For those that don’t know, dinner is served at 6:00, and between 7 and 8 is a message, singing and prayer.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
This morning I drove to work 5 min late (oops) and there was a huge tractor-trailer rig waiting for someone to come and unload. Come to find out, it wasn’t that bad, because he had spent some time at Rockin’ Robins for breakfast. He was delivering 2 skids of the Portuguese version of The Stranger. After about 45 min, I had the 2 skids repacked and neatly tucked away. 2080 books in total. This is good, because we had been down to about 12 books on the shelf.
Another thing today was the Yakut version of The Lamb needed to be re-formatted because the print size will be a little different. It isn’t a real big problem, but I sent files out to make sure it’ll work before I do the whole book.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Today, the proof came in for the By This Name WorkBook. With everything looking good, I signed and sent it back.
(Editors Note [Jan 21]: Come to find out later, I did have one problem—it said “Printed in Canada” when in fact it was printed in the US. I just had them remove that one line and we are good to go!)
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Yesterday, the first Kodiak airplane for New Tribes Mission was completed, and once NTM obtained ownership they flew out. Gene and Travis flew over for the ceremony, but didn’t really have enough time to get back over the mountains before dark, so they spent the night w/ me. Next morning it took a bit to get the little 152 started again. Part of this was the fact that it was 16 degrees, and 15 mph wind! But once we did, he took off for home.
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