Drive home, day 2

Drove to South Milwaukee after helping clean up a little at the wedding. And once I arrived, I started in on a couple trees that had some unruly branches.
Spent the night at the Essex’s, and then drove up for the wedding. Showers were expected, but the Lord gave us good weather for sure! Congratulations Stefan and Kathryn!
Finished driving into IL today. Had some rough weather, but not too bad. It’s good to be ‘home’ once again!
Spend the morning just hanging out, and was supposed to see Jim & Les, but they had to leave last minute. So I drove to Lawrence, KS for the night.
For the fireworks tonight, I decided to climb Canfield Mountain (on the DRZ -- my motorcycle) and I'm glad I did. While the picts weren't the best from up there (too far away) I did find that I like trail riding at night. Will have to continue that practice as the days come forward.
On top, there were a half-dozen police officers maintaining peace among all the 4-wheeler and motorcycle enthusiasts. Upon leaving, one asked if I got some good pictures (to which I replied it was too far away) then he asked if I saw the plane go down. Someone landed a single-engine on the Interstate just then. You could see the police cars moving on the Interstate getting to the location. Upon looking at my pictures later, I did see what appears to be that plane, and that's the last picture of the bunch. It's actually 2 images stitched together, and I left the difference in exposure to help see. But circled in red is what I believe to be that plane. Interesting that I was able to capture that with a 14mm lens from the top of the mountain at night.
Watching the news later, they mentioned that no one was injured, which was good. However, there are lots of people trying to get back to Spokane from CDA -- so I'm sure it slowed down the already mass exit from the fireworks.
More info:
Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the site. For June I’ve been in Olds, Ablerta, Canada, working on our GoodSeed Canada office. This is the same project I was at back last October / November. Things are going well—many things are done, just a few odd things yet to do (including bathroom and kitchen countertops / sinks).
Things I worked on this trip: baseboard, window / door trim, hanging doors, painting, drywall taping / mudding, electrical, fire doors (hanging, hardware), plumbing, concrete work, among other things to boot. It was a good trip.
“No job is worth doing if you can’t buy new tools!”
After work yesterday, I headed to Airdre to hang out with Rob, as Janette was away for the weekend. Went to church this morning w/ Rob and Justice, and on the way home (out of the way…) I stopped to visit the Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta. Only $10 to get in, I spent a couple hours looking and admiring the fossils they had there. Must have been something to live in the days these beasts were roaming the earth!