John's comments from life.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
After church and the Agape dinner, I went to Fred’s to cut down 2 dead (dying) trees in the DMZ between his house and the neighbor. I don’t have much experience cutting down rotting trees, and was an experience for sure. In the end, all worked out (by God’s grace) and nothing destroyed. After went to the farm then to Dunks for breakfast, with Wes, Penny and fam.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Finished packing to head to CT. It was a new experience for me, as I’m trying to pack all (or at least some) of my tree-trimming gear on the airline. As well as stuff for a GoodSeed display and everything else. 2 bags at 49 pounds was all I was willing to pay for, and in the end it worked out just fine.
The “or so I thought” came from when I arrived in Minneapolis to change planes. The plane I changed too was being repaired, and to the point where it was canceled. No worries- spend the night and head out tomorrow. Gave me some more time to work on the presentation for Sat night.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Recently I was able to finish putting The Lamb on the Amazon Kindle. This can be read (with the free reader from Amazon) on your computer, iPhone, iPad, iPod, Blackberry, and the list continues. I will say, however, that with their demo below, the formatting doesn't display correctly. And that has been a big frustration in working with the Kindle. But, here's a demo:
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