Got the bike out today and rode around Canfield today. Since they plowed to the top, that was open. Most of the trails were fine, but some pockets of snow made trouble on the north sides of the mountain. Overall was a great time!

Got the bike out today and rode around Canfield today. Since they plowed to the top, that was open. Most of the trails were fine, but some pockets of snow made trouble on the north sides of the mountain. Overall was a great time!
Back to Canada for another trip—this time an “inventory adjustment.”
The Olds Koinonia basketball team—tournament champs—in Panoka.
Drove Russ to Federal Way to take Russ to get a new truck. Had to chain up on the way there and the way back.
Last leg of the trip home. Drove through the Teton’s instead of staying on the interstates.
Hung out in Illinois for a couple days, and was able to help Josh and Teresa with some firewood.
Left Connecticut for Idaho, stopped in Pennsylvania then to Illinois.