One more trip to Canada with a load of books.

Drove Russ to Federal Way to take Russ to get a new truck. Had to chain up on the way there and the way back.
Last leg of the trip home. Drove through the Teton’s instead of staying on the interstates.
Hung out in Illinois for a couple days, and was able to help Josh and Teresa with some firewood.
Left Connecticut for Idaho, stopped in Pennsylvania then to Illinois.
Cut down another maple at my folk’s place today—and then cut it up w/ a new saw. Sweetness.
Thanksgiving with Wes & Penny, Darrell & Shelly, Rob & Angie and all the kids.
Driving west—stopped in Butte, MT and Mitchell, SD on the way. Ended up in Delavan WI for this stretch.
Drove to Canada with Mom and Dad to see a little bit of Canada!
Today we (about 30 of us I think) helped out a widow in Spokane Valley with improvements in her back yard. First we tore down her old fence, then did things from remove trash, trim some trees, weeds, rake and whatnot. One fellow was inside fixing some sheetrock and the shower. It was a good time to pull together and give a helping hand to someone who needed it. I started at around 7:00, hauling the cement mixer down w/ my Corolla behind to fencing trucks.
We were able to get all the holes dug and set posts in concrete before leaving. Next Saturday, a smaller group will put the wood on, and the gate up. However, I’m slated to do some tree work somewhere else that day.