John's comments from life.

Christmas w/ the Essex clan

Sunday, December 26, 2010 0 Comments

Some picts from spending the day with the Essex family.

Christmas part in the warehouse

Thursday, December 23, 2010 0 Comments

The office party—can only fit in the warehouse. After, I re-stacked the new WorkBooks that came in right before our party.

Office work

Thursday, December 16, 2010 0 Comments

The office and folks inside. Also, proofs approved for By This Name (this reprint scheduled to be shipped Jan 11, 2011.)

Thanksgiving dinner

Friday, November 26, 2010 0 Comments

Thanksgiving dinner with the Iott’s! Good food and good friends.

WorkBook proofs

Saturday, November 20, 2010 0 Comments

Got the proofs today and signed off on the print job. Should be printed / delivered by the end of December.

Organizing the warehouse

Tuesday, November 16, 2010 0 Comments

Trying to catch up on cleaning up the warehouse… We ran out of WorkBooks, and this past weekend I realized we had another 750 trapped inside the DVD boxes that are already put together. So… I started removing the old WorkBooks so we can sell them, as well as update the DVD sets with the new WorkBooks when they arrive. All in all, it’s a little work, but all part of the way things go at times.

Olds to CDA

Saturday, November 13, 2010 1 Comment

Drove home today after 3 days of meetings (and delivering a truck-load of books.) On the way, we decided to take a ‘shortcut’ which skirted around Radium and Fairmont, ended up in Canal Flats. The drive went well and made it home around 5:30.

Dallas, OR

Friday, November 05, 2010 0 Comments

Barney and I spent a couple three days at his father’s house. It’s a sorta-long story, but Nobie and Maddie had 3 days of training in Seattle for their overseas trip coming up, so the cheapest way to get them there was by car. So Barney and I figured we’d drop them off, go to Oregon for a couple days (and be able to get some work done) then reverse the process on Sunday. Worked out great, had a good time with the folks, and even played hearts from 6:00 pm to 3:00 am one evening! Good times.

New WorkBook on the press

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 0 Comments

Today I sent the files off to the printer to get printed. This one product has taken several turns in its life—from a coil bound 128 page book, to perfect bound 64 pages. Making some easy changes helps in the long run—not only in shipping costs, but storage, packaging, and warehouse space. Also, it’s helped us in bringing the price down some, too. Once these arrive, we’ll probably reduce the case price (24 or more) so be looking for that!

Four trees at Nelson's

Monday, October 18, 2010 0 Comments

Monday—Mark, Wes, Dunk, Ben and Nelson cut down 4 trees at Nelson’s place. It was good having all the help, as they make short work of cutting the trees back up. (That’s why it takes so long—you cut them down then you have to cut them back up.) I was thinking I’d have to climb and cut them down in pieces, but managed to do ok with dropping them whole. Which saved lots of time as well as work.


Sunday, October 17, 2010 0 Comments

After church and the Agape dinner, I went to Fred’s to cut down 2 dead (dying) trees in the DMZ between his house and the neighbor. I don’t have much experience cutting down rotting trees, and was an experience for sure. In the end, all worked out (by God’s grace) and nothing destroyed. After went to the farm then to Dunks for breakfast, with Wes, Penny and fam.

Speaking at NSBC

Saturday, October 16, 2010 0 Comments

Today was the first day of the NSBC Missions Conference, and I had the privilege to speak tonight. It was a good time when all was said and done!

Trip to CT, or so I thought

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 0 Comments

Finished packing to head to CT. It was a new experience for me, as I’m trying to pack all (or at least some) of my tree-trimming gear on the airline. As well as stuff for a GoodSeed display and everything else. 2 bags at 49 pounds was all I was willing to pay for, and in the end it worked out just fine.

The “or so I thought” came from when I arrived in Minneapolis to change planes. The plane I changed too was being repaired, and to the point where it was canceled. No worries- spend the night and head out tomorrow. Gave me some more time to work on the presentation for Sat night.

The Drive home

Monday, October 11, 2010 0 Comments

Leaving BC, heading home to CDA.

Race Day!

Sunday, October 10, 2010 0 Comments

Today was Race day! Victoria BC

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