Just a short, 2 min clip, of driving on Going to the Sun road, Glacier National Park.

John's comments from life.
Going to the Sun road
Glacier National Park -- Highline Trail
Up on Logan Pass by 9:00, and started hiking the Highline trail by 9:15 or so. It was around 14 miles of hiking total, almost 7 hours, up around 2,000 feet and down 4,200’. I came back on the Loop trail, and took a shuttle to the top. Had I known, I would have hiked back to Logan instead of going down, for two reasons: The fire took out all the trees to the Loop trail, and going down isn’t as easy as one tends to think. I knew it would be a trek, and took it primarily because it was a new trail to me…
Had supper at the quick restaurant at McDonald’s Lake center. There were 2 waitresses from Czech Republic, and another from Slovakia. They got a kick out of my last name (which means a slice of bread).
Drove home the next day—

Glacier National Park
On the way home, I stopped at Glacier National Park. I arrived at Two Medicine Lake campground at around 1:00, but was too late. The campground was full. So I drove over to the west entrance as I heard there were sites still open. Thankfully I was able to get in at the Avalanche Campground. Took a hike (7 mile round trip) to the Avalanche Lake before calling it a day.
It’s hard to believe it’s been 6 years since I’ve been here… it was back in 2006.

GoodSeed's annual camp
The tail end of GoodSeed’s annual camp. While it looks like lots of fun, it was mostly meetings and long days. But still a great time. Everyone seemed to love the Giant Swing!

Sunday afternoon picnic
Had a nice cook-out with the Karys this evening. It was a nice way to end the day, after the GoodSeed Canada Open house. It was, for the first time, that I cooked my buns over the fire.

Trip 4 to Canada for this year
Drove to Olds today—and hit a real nice thunderstorm in Calgary. Some things on the list for this trip was to help with the AC units, attend meetings and haul a truck-load of stuff up.

An hour on Canfield
Riding up past Sunshine
Jeff, Fred, Allan and I rode up past Sunshine Mine today. Total of around 46 miles, it took much longer than originally thought. One trail was 5 miles long, on the edge of a steep bank almost the whole way, with overgrown brush hiding the trail much of the time. I really enjoyed the day, though!
On top.
From the cabin to the saddle, to the valley.

Trip home
Drove home from Livingston, MT. I stopped at the caves / caverns at Lewis and Clark Cavern State Park. But it had nothing to do with Lewis and Clark, but still was a nice stop, and not too far out of the way.

Spent the day driving around Yellowstone. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Except for those who park in the middle of the road. Not as many pictures this time through.

Livingston, MT
Had the opportunity to visit friends where were riding around Yellowstone. So I drove out. Thankful for the opportunity!

Mineral Ridge
Still working a cold, but thought I better get some sunshine and fresh air. Hiked Mineral Ridge. Slowly.

Trip to Canada
Drove another load of materials to our Canadian Office. This time it was about 6 skids of material, and was able to borrow a trailer for the trip. Perfect ride, no troubles. But I did catch a cold that lasted a week and a half…

Revett Lake
Drove up to Revett Lake (72 miles from CDA), and hiked to the lake (1.7 miles, took just under 50 min, nice restful walk, with about 660’ vertical up and 150’ down.) I walked around the lake—there was sort of a trail, but not too user friendly. Great place for a nice, leisurely hike.

Weekend in St. Regis, MT
Had the opportunity to stay with some friends at a “cabin” in St. Regis. Was a wonderful time with Russ, Karyn, Jon, Esther, Norm, Debbie and Kristy.