Working today was a little tough. Just because it was on of those days were it seemed as though I was dragging for a good part of it. I spent most of the day in the boiler room, putting up drywall so we can do the plumbing later. (It’s rather difficult to do drywall after the all the plumbing is installed!) But the room is all shapes and sizes, so it’s a tedious job cutting for that. Got the words part of it done, so that was good.
Today we had several people come and help out. All in all, there was a total of 9 people working, plus those who helped with coffee and lunch. We had 2 crews putting drywall on the walls, and the rest of us were working on different projects, trying to stay ahead of the drywallers. They got the conference room, a couple offices, and some other outside walls more-or-less completed. There is still lots to do, but sure seems like it’s going quickly.
Rob was one, and ran the gas line to where the boiler is going. He also went around and helped find things that still needed to be done, and created yet another list (nicknamed “The Ten Commandments” as they are written on tablets of cardboard.) This will be my punch list come Monday to make sure things are hammered out.
The time is getting short, as I’ll soon be outside putting up the exterior tin, which may take a couple weeks after I start. I’ve been told it’s just over a week’s worth of work, but that’s for guys who know what they are doing. We’ll see in time, I reckon. But I am looking forward to getting that done. There is still a question where we will be getting a boom-lift, but confident that the details will work out in time.
Sorry, no pictures today. Someone forgot to take them!
Today was a good day. Brad and I did the main video room (the largest one to the east.) Gary and Dave worked on poly and insulation in the audio / video editing rooms. Monday we did the room with all the workstations (west side), and yesterday I let Brad work in Joe’s office (among other things) as I worked on electrical and planning with Rob. But I did quit early today at 5:30 for a change. But the night was still full yet.
Sorry, no pictures. Might just wait on those till Saturday. We’ll see.
Today started with some last-minute electric changes, then John showed up. I had him poly the ceiling in the hallways before everyone else showed up. Then we started in on Sheetrocking the ceiling. Finished John’s office and the conference room. It’s a little slow-going at first, but will progress as we get the hang of things!
Yesterday we had a crew (GoodSeed folks) and they put poly up on half of the upstairs. While it may help a little retain some heat, it’s not really enough to do much yet. But it does change the look of things with something up on the ceiling. Perhaps I’ll be inclined to shoot some pictures tomorrow…
Early this morning (well, 8:00, so it was) the power guy came and hooked up our 200 amp, 3 phase meter. While we weren’t exactly ready (waiting on some wire to come in) he was nice enough to go ahead and put the meter in to save another trip, etc. I was very thankful. And the wire came in today, and we were able to get that in no problem. While we aren’t totally finished yet, we are so close to having power to our 3 panels (which will make life so much easier by having electricity in more than one location!)
Spent the day working on wiring mainly. But also finished the drywall in Jim’s office so he can paint and move in (there’s a few bad spots, but I have to leave them there so he won’t forget me!) There are a few changes that need to be made, nothing major. But need to keep ahead of those putting poly up!
Yesterday and today -- much of the same. We've been tidying up the ceiling electric, so we can get an inspection completed. Once done, then we're free to poly and sheetrock the ceiling (and insulate and get some heat!!) But the inspector will not be able to come till Nov 2, as he is out hunting (as I understand.) No problem, we can still get the poly up before then.
Also these two days, we had a friend come down and hook up what he could of the telephone system. Sure is good to have the help at the right time :)
Another turn of events was to re-work the main electric panel. It's currently set up to have 4 meters on 4 different panels. But that will cost an additional $120 - $160 a month just for 2 extra meter fees, so I'm going to re-work the main feeds to run a 200 amp 3 phase line off the main panel into the closest of our 3 panels, then run the other 2 off the one. Eh, just wait for a picture of when it's done...
This morning I finished (w/ Joe’s help) putting all 67 of the data cables down a 3” conduit. Really was a feat, but worked. I’m not sure we’ll be able to get anything more down, but don’t need to at this point! This is just the telephone and networking lines for the upstairs, and doesn’t include the mezzanine or the ground floor office spaces.
Then it was sanding the sheetrock in Jim’s office so I could put a second coat on most of that. (I had the mud too thick when applying the tape, so it’s too high… not the end of the world, but extra work in the end.) It’s coming nicely, however.
Once done, I ran 2 20 amp circuits to the server / telephone exchange, so I could board and tape where those wires are going to be truncated, which was next on the list. Rather tired today, so I cleaned up the area and quit early (3:00). Home for a shower and headed to Wetaskiwin to discuss external tin w/ John.
Ok, only one picture today. It’s not everywhere you can get a suntan while doing your business!
Yeah, it’s been too long since I updated the work here in Olds. Today we were trying to finish up much of the electrical that was started on Saturday (during the wedding.) I shot some photos of the office today, but left the camera at the office, will try to get them up over coffee break or lunch tomorrow. Things are going well, seems like too much to do at times, but yet once we get past the electrical inspection, then the real work begins (sheetrock!) I contacted my buddy from up in Wetaskiwin concerning metal for the exterior, and also the possibility of borrowing a boom lift, which might pan out. A huge encouragement! I ran some data lines (till I ran out of cable), finished the stairwell lighting circuit, and a bunch of little things around that needed attention. Rob is coming up tomorrow morning and that will be great having him around as he is heading up much of the project.
It’s been warm here lately, which is a big help. 11 degrees Celsius, (or 51 Fahrenheit.)
I was tired, sore and a little stuffed up today, but hope a good night rest will help out. If not, Sunday is coming!
Spent the morning working insulation into the rafters (just 2' pieces along the edges so it's much easier / better when blowing in the rest later.) Rob also came up with a job box full of stuff we can use, as well as a boat load of supplies. We are still planning on electricians coming in tomorrow, but I'll be at the wedding, which is kinda hard to wrap my mind around that with the building project in full swing. God is able to help out w/ that.
It was a good day, in that we got all the walls up so the electricians are able to do everything they need to do. Sure was a blessing to see that come about!
The rehearsal went well, supper was wonderful and fellowship was sweet. Can't ask for any more than that : )
Feeling quite better, but still a little off, I headed to work. But I was determined to stay “on the ground” until things got settled inside. Which I did. I tracked down the different office telephone lines (4 lines to the 4 offices—the lines weren’t marked.) Got the phone hooked up (403-five5six-nine4hundred for the office phone.) Got a new air hose. Different odds and ends.
But it was a very good day, seeing lots of walls going up and things coming together!
Well, this morning, rolling over in bed, I felt the room go vertical! “Oh, great,” I thought, actually made me wonder what’s going on here. Not sure what was happening, I at least managed to get out and around, after throwing up once. Vertigo sure gave me an upset stomach, which caused me to throw up 4x over the course of the day. I had breakfast (not a good idea) and went to the jobsite, as we had a volunteer coming and wanted to make sure the building was at least open. Once he came, I was going to go to the Walk In clinic to see what was happening. But Gary came first, so I was free to go. And I went. Saw Dr. Allen Hovie (who knows me and goes to our church!) After a brief exam, and getting me really dizzy, he said, “That’s good! Here, go to Youtube, search for this and follow the instructions.” I wasn’t sure what to think about that, but I saw the video with him, went home and did it. It really made me dizzy going through that, but it did help a lot. It wasn’t a quick fix, as I was pretty worthless the rest of the day, but the next day things were almost normal.
Here’s my problem:
Particle repositioning maneuver is a treatment based on the idea that the condition is caused by displacement of small stones in the balance center (vestibular system) of the inner ear. The head is repositioned to move the stones to their normal position. This maneuver is repeated until the abnormal eye movements are no longer visible. (taken from:
Worked alone for the first part of the day, then Allen came in (he had some car trouble that had to get fixed.) Then the first volunteer (Russ) since I’ve been here came today and that was a big help! I worked on putting up a fire-break (sheet-rock on both sides of one truss in the attic) and the other fellows worked on framing walls and laying out others. Another long day - 8-9 for me. But the good news was that it was only 24 today, which was manageable. They are expecting 70 on Saturday, which will be nice for the wedding.