The day was dedicated to Kellen and Jessica, who got married today!

The day was dedicated to Kellen and Jessica, who got married today!
After work, headed up to the Heartland Ranch for the rehearsal of Jessica Iott and Kellen Wright’s wedding. I don’t have much to do with this one—just set up the sound, get a ton of ice, and “B” photographer. I hope that’s it, because that’s all I can remember.
With my part of the 2 days worth of web meetings over, and one skid of books safely delivered, I was free to head back down to the US of A.
Today I drove back down from Canada, what seems to be something that I could do in my sleep. However, this time I had 2,600 pounds still on my truck that needed to be taken care of. First stop was the Christian Bookstore in the Chinatown of Calgary, where I dropped off 18 cases of The Lamb in Simplified Chinese. The other 788 books needed to be shipped to Ontario, so I headed over to the YRC truck terminal to send that on its way. It was noonish when I was able to leave Calgary. I do wish I had some photos of those events, as they were memorable. I guess a few words will have to suffice to hold those down.
The rest of the trip was uneventful, except for seeing ~20 deer, and almost hitting a fawn. I decided to take another way home, which took me through Montana through the back woods of Yaak. I would not recommend this trip if you are in a hurry of have a passenger susceptible to car sickness. Or in the winter. Or at night. But I had fun.
Drove a truckload of books to the Canadian office, with a stop for a nice hike in Kootenay National Park—the Kindersley-Sinclair loop up from Radium Hot Springs. It was a 3,400’ vertical climb, 10.8 mile long trip that took me 5 1/2 hours. Next time I’ll bring something to eat…
Spent the day hanging out with Fred, as well as a quick trip to town for parts / pictures.
The best ride yet. Camp 5 Road was the best. Road is not a good term, unless you had a bike!
Drove to Sturgis on Tuesday, and spent Wednesday working on the bike (new tires, suspension, etc.) and headed out to the camp, where we took the first day’s ride (of 76 some miles.)
Spent the day finishing packing The Stranger DVD sets, to make room for 10 skids of Lamb books coming.
Today I finally signed the contract for the first printing of “What Are Christmas and Easter All About?” This was a long-time coming, and hopefully before long they will be in house and ready to distribute. This is a 4 color, 80 page booklet that gives a brief overview of the Bible, designed to be inexpensive so it’s easy to hand out. Another factor is that it’s written in EasyEnglish, so it reads smoothly and easily, and good for those who are still learning English. This also helps to make it easier to translate.
Right now I have 4 other print jobs to oversee (all of which are very close to being ready to print,) as well as one DVD to master and duplicate. And another 800 DVD series to assemble. And on a side note, Lloyd and Faith are out of the office for 4 weeks, so I’m also covering the packaging of all the orders. But taking a couple days off next week to go to Sturgis, SD! Looks like I better try to keep that trip short : )
Thank you all that have a supporting hand in keeping me here at GoodSeed.
The memorial service at 10:00, followed by lunch at church for all.
This was the day for breaking down camp, as well as the Wake in Westerly.
Today we had a service at church for the local body to get together and share stories, testimonies of Pastor Jay.
Good News (litterally!) The Lamb has been printed, and all that’s left is for these to be shipped across the Pacific. Could be a couple weeks, could be a month, I’m just not sure yet. But this project has been a ‘standard’ project in that it didn’t go easy. With trying to coordinate three first-time translations and one English reprint, it’s almost a miracle that they all were able to print at the same time. Each of these three translations were works in progress for over two years.
For us, it’s helpful to print as many translations as possible at the same time, because first of all, one gets the quantity discount. Next, the way the book is printed also saves. Only the black plates are swapped out on the press for each translation, instead of all four colors, saving some more. This was a neat design at the creation of the book, a process that we continue to follow with the new products we create.
Once the files are ready, it’s not over. I’ve sent / received at least 89 emails on this one project since February alone. And more are sure to come as things start to clear customs. It’s still a complicated order, because different quantity of four translations are being shipped to four countries! I’m glad this isn’t my first print -- that was The Stranger reprint, where things were rather quick and painless.
Thank you for your part -- help and encouragement to bring these new products about. The Lamb is an excellent resource to explain the Message of the Bible to children. And now, it’s available to three more languages that span the globe. Only in eternity will we find out the results of our labor.
Other things happening this month: Gathering email addresses, creating web pages / specials for a monthly eNewsletter (sign up at: We are offering specials on our products through this email list. This month’s special: 3 books for the price of one (The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, By This Name, and All that the Prophets have Spoken,) good to the end of July.) I roughed in the formatting of The Lamb for Yakut, and Russian is next. Took a couple skids of books to Canada and met with the web team, drove around the Olympic Peninsula after driving friends to attend a funeral, and back again to watch three more friends run a marathon in Seattle. Also worked on the Portuguese version of The Stranger and WorkBook, which is close to being sent to the printer. All this among regular office duties -- phones, shipping on Wednesdays, and general office stuff.
Next month: A few books / projects super close to print: Arabic All that the Prophets Have Spoken, Portuguese Stranger, Portuguese WorkBook, possibly the Interactive Stranger, Unlocking the Biblical Worldview 4 part DVD series, and a new book: What are Christmas and Easter all About? I’d love to get to the Kindle version of By This Name, too! Oh, and the audiobook for that and The Stranger (edition 5).