Here are some photos from the Rock and Roll Marathon, 2009!

Drove to Bremerton to see Troy and Joyce and Brooke run the Seattle R-n-R Marathon…
Sure do appreciate all of you that support me, as it enables me to be able to keep pressing on here at GoodSeed. While it seems I'm not on the 'front lines', the materials we create do make it there time and again.
The Lamb reprint is going well, as best as I can tell. I did receive copies of the printed pages (unbound), and am very pleased with them. They are expected to arrive at the end of July, and it would be nice if they arrived earlier, as we are currently out of stock. The delay in printing came when trying to get all 4 translations together, so printing would be more cost effective.
This past week has been a smattering of little jobs that tend to pile up over time. From archiving projects, to building a DVD for our reps, updates on the web, the list goes on.
But in the process, I have a new project -- formatting The Lamb in 2 more languages -- Yakutz and Russian. This would be the first stage, then checking / proofreading, then printing.
Another project I've been working on is a new book, to which my involvement is to find a printer for this, good quality but inexpensive, so as to keep the final selling price down.
I do appreciate your prayers. Very much. Thank you!
To get away from Ironman running today in town, I headed north to the mountains just south of Lake Pend Oreille, to see what’s there and what it’s like. Originally I wanted to go to Lakeview, a small gathering of folks in an isolated little village. Not knowing the roads, I was leaning on my GPS to take me there the most efficient way. It was suggesting roads that would be fine for a dirt-bike, but not a Corolla S. So, I stopped at a trail and got out the bike.
As I was getting ready, 8 guys on Honda dirt-bikes came, stopped, and then headed down the trail I was going to take (677 I think it was.) So, I figured it would be find for a bike. I dropped a couple thousand feet rather quickly, ever realizing that my car was on top.
Since Lakeview was only 3 miles away, I headed down, because that was my goal for the day. And I was glad I did. Took trail 111 on the way back, and wondered if it would ever end. It started as an old logging road, which was a nice ride. But it ended up into an old-grove Hemlock forest, muddy trails, roots, and uphill (which I was expecting the latter.) I pretty well pushed my bike over a thousand feet up, and would even venture to say two. But in the end I was thankful for the opportunity to get out and enjoy some of God’s handiwork.
Today’s drive started at Ozette (07:31 am), picked up Lloyd and Faith at 12:16, then home by 6:44 pm.
Today I drove Lloyd and Faith to Seattle, and after I dropped them off, drove off to the sunset. Camped in Ozette, which had I known, would have camped on the beach (you need a previous permit for this.) But it all worked out perfectly, as I had enough time to get to pick up Lloyd and Faith roughly on time the next day.
Came across this video that is worth a watch.
I couldn't embed the video because it was causing IE to crash...
All in a day’s drive. I stopped at Bar-U Ranch (which I’ve driven by for several years) and had a great time, learned a lot. If you are driving by, definitely check it out.
Drove to Edmonton, looking at vehicles and stuff. Hung a 4’ tracklight. After supper, went to check on the crops and cows, before retiring for the night.
Helped pour 20 yards of crete for footers on one job, and ran around town for the rest of the day it seemed.
Drove through Radium, and took a side-line hike up Sinclair Creek. I didn’t make it the whole way, because of the snow up top. No worries, but I had enough hike for the time allotted. I’ll have to come back here later in the year and ‘do the loop.’
Today 2,000 tabernacles arrived. Had them packed and stacked in a couple hours. It’s filling up the warehouse quite nicely, which is fine, until we receive the 600 Tabernacle Furniture Sets coming in a few months.
Wonderful dinner at the Iotts. Luke’s graduation was a day or so ago, so Frank and Gwen were up.
This week's progress report:
Writing this out doesn't sound like much... not sure why, because it took close to 60 hours.
Just finished getting this video series online. It’s a project that has been on my desk for over a year, and really good to see things come to this point. Not quite finished getting the DVD together, but it’s very, very close. Perhaps tomorrow or Monday. But for now, here’s the video!