John's comments from life.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007 0 Comments

Some things I’ve been working on these days include creating media content for The Lamb in other languages. I’m close to completing a DVD for The Lamb in Portuguese, but in the process, I’ve had to create forms that I can send out to translators, so they can send me all the information I need to create something like this in their language. It’s rather a harmless process, as once The Lamb is translated, and audio recorded (an audio book that goes with the Lamb), most of the work is done. Once I receive a little more information, I will have enough to produce a DVD / Flash media online like the one below, as well as a PowerPoint set. The PowerPoint package will be further down the road, but most of the work is done to make this available in other languages.
The fun part is that I can caption and time the captions here (if I can read the script.) In other words, I couldn’t do Chinese, Russian or Arabic. But the languages that I can follow, like Spanish, Portuguese, German, etc. I can do from here.

This is a demo / test page of the Portuguese Lamb. To view captions, click on the "T" on the bar below the video. To veiw full screen, click the button next to the "T".

In Rememberance...

Monday, December 10, 2007 0 Comments

The purpose of this blog was to help ‘remember’ events in life. So it is with reluctance that I type this one and post.
Today I ran into a mailbox. Fortunately, the mailbox post was made of steel, so it was unhurt. However, the little Corolla did suffer harm. Like a hood, bumper and grille. After market parts looks like it’ll be around $160 to get it repaired, plus paint. So it’s not huge, but it is a bother.
Here’s the story. I was pulling into our parking lot here at the office, and right before I started to turn, someone switched lanes, from the fast to the slow, and was quite close behind me. I was fearing a rear-end if I slowed down to much (roads were compacted snow, just above freezing, so they were wet.) With that in mind, I took the corner faster than I wanted to, but not realizing that it was too fast until I couldn’t turn as much as I wanted. It was one of those slo-motion experiences, hopefully never to be repeated.
Ok, there. It’s reported. Photos may come later, if I can bring myself up to it!

Photos of the Pad

Friday, November 30, 2007 0 Comments

Thought I better get some photos up for y’all.

Moving, sort of.

Friday, November 30, 2007 0 Comments

Got the keys today! Yeah.
I moved most of my stuff in the storage part of the garage, except for my chair and coffee table. I plan on getting the bed over and the rest of my stuff that’s at the Leger’s tonight.
Very thankful to have a place to lay my head (and put my junk.)
Thank you all that had a hand in getting me here, but mostly to the Lord for making it happen!


Thursday, November 29, 2007 0 Comments

Well, today the records were logged, and the time came to transfer keys. And that’s the new snag. The realtor’s daughter took the keys, and will have to wait till tomorrow. So, hopefully then I’ll be able to start filling the place up with my junk!
I’m still house-sitting for another couple months, so that will give me some time to get it painted and whatnot. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll figure out what I’m going to do first.


Monday, November 26, 2007 0 Comments

Just got back from signing all the papers necessary to purchase this condo. It’s not over yet - tomorrow the seller is supposed to sign, and then closing on Wednesday.
One day at a time.

Hiram M. Chittenden Locks

Sunday, November 25, 2007 0 Comments

Today Gene took us all down to see the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in northern Seattle. We took a free tour, which told the history of the project, which I won’t get into here. But while we were there, the big lock was under routine maintenance, as you’ll see in the photos.

Deception Pass for Thanksgiving Day

Friday, November 23, 2007 0 Comments

We all went to Deception Pass for photos, but I think more for some place to go to get rid of some kid energy. We had a good time.

At Gene's

Thursday, November 22, 2007 1 Comment

I’m not in Idaho anymore. Well, at least for the weekend. I’m currently at Gene & Rose’s place for Thanksgiving, and we are eating the big meal early (Wednesday) instead of the traditional Thursday.
But before the festivities, we had a free day, to which we spent getting his van running. Not sure what all the problems were, but we put in a new fuse for the fuel pump, grounded a couple wires and seemed to run ok. But we found that the radiator was leaking, so that had to come out to be soldered. So far so good.

Condo update:
Supposed to sign papers on Monday, and close on Tuesday. Time will no longer tell, so I’ll have to figure out another way.

Weekend in Wyoming

Monday, November 12, 2007 0 Comments

Got back today from 3 days in Wyoming, helping Barney put in a gas fireplace for his uncle. I think we put in over 30 hours each working on this, from running the electric / gas lines to placing stone everywhere!

2 more weeks

Tuesday, November 06, 2007 2 Comments

Interesting day today. My realtor from the first condo called and said that I could have my original pick in the complex. But I’m still holding off for the 2 bedroom / 2 bath / 1 garage unit instead.
But either case, I’m moving in 2 weeks, if all goes to plan. They said that my loan should be ready by the middle of Nov. But even still, there’s a friend who asked me to house sit for him as they will be gone for a couple months. This will give me some time to ‘fix up’ the new place, which will be nice to have before I move my bed, coffee table and chair in. Oh, and don’t forget the weight machine.
It’s all in the Lord’s hands regardless. And it’s been a long time as well. As for now, this is the current POA (plan of attack.)

New Projects

Saturday, November 03, 2007 0 Comments

I’ve been working on several new projects. They seem to come in waves. But thankfully, they are all projects that to a varying degree can’t be done all at once.
I have 3 AudioBooks on my slate (The Stranger - Edition 3a, All that the Prophets have Spoken, and By This Name.) These require a little re-write before they can be recorded (to fit the audio format.) So I’ve been roughing these changes in and sending them up to John to finish off.
Other things include roughing in a new book, based on The Lamb, but to help explain what Christmas and Easter is all about. It’ll be sort of a give-away type book, more like a track than The Stranger, but looking like it’ll be around 60 pages or so.
That and the normal answer phones and pack books (on Wednesdays). And make coffee, vacuum, take out the trash…you know all the office stuff that needs to be done too.

First is ready...

Thursday, November 01, 2007 0 Comments

Would you believe that my first condo (1 bdrm) is now ready? They closed on one unit already. Too bad I have another in process. My plan is to wait to make sure things are ok with the second condo (2 bdrm) before canning the first. I’m guessing we’ll know in a few days, but I’ve said that before.

A new loan in the works

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 0 Comments

Just a quick note saying that I am pressing on with the new loan for the 2 bdrm / 2 bath condo here in town. Hopefully it won’t take too long, but one never knows…


Monday, October 22, 2007 0 Comments

The week before last, we received 10,000 WorkBooks. But they were packaged in boxes too small for the books! So my job was to unpack 442 boxes of books, then re-box them with the correct size box. It was a job.
And last weekend, we had our TERM seminar here in CDA. My reproducibilities during this time was to run the office, and so I didn’t get in on the TERM teaching. TERM stands for The Emmaus Road Message - a way that we teach through the whole Bible. Around 20 people went through the teaching, with most of our staff. It was a good time—I did get in on supper and some odds and ends.

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