Yes, it’s hunting season here. Even so, the deer population has not seemed to diminish much. See, where I currently live, I can count up to a dozen deer on the way home most days. It’s only a 4 mile drive, and all of it is a residential setting. I’ve seen 3 deer hit by cars this season just in this short commute. I think part of the problem is that they named one of the roads “Deerhaven”. I think if they change the name to “WolfCreekRoad” or something similar it would help out some.
Oh well.
The office is still capturing my time. Covering for Lloyd, I still get to do all the shipping, as well as price out shipping on international orders, keep inventory, and generally do all that type of stuff. It hasn’t consumed all my time, though today it was a little stressful. We had an overnight delivery to go out, but it depended on some inventory coming from Canada. 2:30, still no Canadians! UPS came to pick up at 3:00pm yesterday, so I was a little antsy (sp?) (Not to mention that there has been major communication to get this order figured out - not only within our office, but with the CDN office and the customer—he’s going overseas tomorrow and wanted to take this w/ him.)
Well, the CDN’s arrived—with 2 cases of English instead of French. I’ll have to chalk this one up to better communication on my part. I didn’t enjoy calling the customer and telling him the story, but he was gracious and we’ll have to try better next time!
I’m still under the weather, but working late tonight anyhow. I think I already know, but we’ll see if it’s a smart decision tomorrow!

John's comments from life.
Oh, deer
Office work - translations of The Lamb
Just wanted to plant a post with a quick update. My week has been here in the office (a little under the weather, but not major). I’ve been formatting The Lamb in Portuguese and Dutch. Russian is next on the list once I figure out what fonts to use. These are not final - will have to be proof-read and changes made, but making progress. Will be several months before it’s printed.
LR has been out of the office for 2 weeks now, as he has had cataract eye surgery, with the second eye done last Tuesday. He’s doing well, but will be out for another 2-3 weeks. All that means is I get to ship as well as do whatever it is that I do over here. I enjoy it - might not give the position back! (Well, I think I can let it go when the time comes…)
Ride the Hiawatha Bike Trail
Today I hopped into the little car with my bike and went for a ride. I went to the Hiawatha bike trail, where I rode up 13 miles (1,000 foot elevevation up) to hit the closed tunnel, turned around and went back down. I might type more later, but for now you get photos.

Awana conference / Wyton's
Today at 7:00, Tom and I left for the Awana conference. My job was to run the GoodSeed table while Tom was out and about teaching some workshops. I had my computer, and I was working on formatting The Lamb in Porguguese. It was rather slow for me, because people didn’t know much about us, though some did. I sold only 2 books and a video set.
Titus came in over lunch, and was my replacement. He said that ever since I left it was a mad house. I do have a shot of how mad it was before I left (cleared out to nothing during the workshops) then picked up steady after that.
I came home to a nap, and Paul and Ros came over to spend a couple nights here. I worked with them in PNG for a couple years. Sure good to see them again.

Wednesday News
Still no word on Buttercup.
Today was spent supply buying - notebooks, highlighters, peanuts (the polystyrene kind), pens and whatnot for TERM and Bible Camp. Not my favorite job, but got it done anyhow with no problem.
Only packed 11 orders today. 12 yesterday and 31 on Monday.
Other than that, just a typical day in the office!
Here’s a link to a video that was shot a while back. 7.3 mb - of me cutting the top out of a ‘telephone pole’ - or a tree with no branches. It’s a *.mov - so you’ll need Quicktime to play it. It’s un-edited, and shot from the neighbor’s camera from inside, so there’s not the right audio.
Cutting the top out of a tree.
The things flying out of the top of the tree are plastic wedges. Tom should have been wearing a hard hat!
Drive back to CDA...
Up at about 7:30, got cleaned up, and had breakfast w/ Beat and Clivia. It was a nice time to sit and chat one more time with them.
Then Roger and Renee and I went back to the office to finish things up. Like tie down my bed, and ladder, and bed frame, and bike and plywood off my tailgate (I had to remove the 3/4” plywood off my tailgate to get it to close.) Renee helped clean up my office, and was pretty well set. I left, got gas, and started driving west, when I could hear the tarp flapping around (that was around the bed.) Didn’t surprise me any, and the only way I could think of to fix it was to put a piece of plywood underneath (you’ll see it in the photos.) So I went back to the office and Roger and I did that, and I was off again.
Trip was fine, and I want to put some stats together comparing the 2 different routes between offices. At first glance, going through Radium is shorter than Crowsnest (by 6 miles.)
Pulled in here (CDA) at around 7:45 and unloaded most of the GS stuff, and my bed for the night. The rest will have to rest and wait for another day to be moved.
One might ask, “How come you don’t have more people pictures.” That’s a good question and I might delve a little into my more personal life to answer. There are a few reasons:
1. I like to take photos that are ‘frame-able quality’ - and that’s hard to do with a quick snap of someone.
2. Most people don’t really like their photo taken, and I don’t like making people feel uncomfortable. And if you’ve seen my camera, you’ll know a little more than the average reader here on this one!
3. While I usually have my camera somewhere close, it’s bigger than most (refer to point #2) and not the easiest to wield.
4. I’m lazy.
5. I’m doing something else.
6. I forgot.
7. Um… I really should take more people pictures.

Well, today was a busy one. I wasn’t sure how much work was involved in moving my stuff down south, but it was more than I bargained for! After ‘living’ in a place for over 5 years, you tend to have a lot hanging around. I was thankful to have help for this endeavor (Roger, Renee, Rod were the main contributors - (thanks!)) and at the end of the day (9:30) the truck was full and there was things left over yet. I’m not totally finished yet, will tie things down in the morning and re-think the idea of getting a small trailer to take the rest (since I am not leaving first light.) It’s only a 8 hour drive, so it’s not a critical thing to leave early.
It’s unbelievable how much stuff is here. I remember fitting all I owned (and my computer equipment) in my old Ford pickup and coming out here some 6 years ago. It all fit in ok, but times have chanced a little. Not a problem, just a little more work is all!
Finish and head south
Today Friesen went to work, I went to town to buy some last minute stuff, and finished off the electrical. Was outta there by 2:00 or so.
Back at the ranch in Olds, started in on the grueling task of going through all my old stuff (and cleaning files off the Snap Server at the office.)
The Kary’s had me over for supper, which was a real nice time.
Seemed to be running a fever, so I quit early (8:00) and hung out at the Graf’s for a bit before retiring.
The day started out like most up here - breakfast at 8:00, leave for work at 9:00. Oh, wait, Bill was late (and he was driving today) so we left around 9:30. We drove to Gwynn, then decided to go to town and pick up some facia, so that all 3 of us could at least do something. By the time we got to the barn, it was around 10:30. Bill and I put on wall tin (it took a while, as just about every piece had to be cut) and John took the lift and did the facia. It’s looking real good.
We got back home at around 5:00, had supper, then I went out to finish off the electric, and John torched a hole in a culvert - that goes under the waterer for the cows. Just about done with the project, but not quite.
Trip to Edmonton
John and I took a trip to Edmonton to get some supplies for his electrical project going on in the yard. Prices of wire has trippled in just a year or so - it’s really getting out of hand. 4/0 is around $36 a meter, and thankfully we didn’t need any of that this time.
Well, all in all we were able to get what we wanted in 3 different stores, and came home (at around 2:30). We then went to work installing what we just got. We are running 2/0 to where the shop will be from The House That Bob Built, and 8 gauge copper to the pole shed, then 10 guage to the cattle waterer. Basically all this work is for the waterer, but needed electricity to the other places as well.
Olds and Wetaskiwin
Had breakfast at the Grafs, which was really good. Nice to be subject to their hospitality!
At church, it was great to see everyone again, though it was tough to explain to everyone that I wasn’t coming back (on a permanent basis.) It wasn’t as bad, though, after I said it was only a 8 hour drive and I’m always looking for a road trip.
After that, I went to get gas, then Tim Horton’s, where Roger and Renne bought me coffee and a do-not. Then I drove up to Wataskiwin to see my buddy Friesen.
Here, we had to ‘play’ a little with his new 262b - a Cat skid-steer. It wasn’t work, beause we still had our Sunday clothes, so that was ok. We trenched a little and was getting ready for putting in some electric lines for the shop, shed and waterer.
Went over to Pete and Cathy’s for fasba and to hang out. It was nice, but also I had internet access to upload all this stuff.
Trip to Olds
Today I left CDA at around 8:00, and drove up to Olds. 8 hours of driving time, beautiful weather - just a nice drive. I was a little nervous going - facing everyone, and telling them I’m not coming back.

Road trip -- Olds, AB
Tomorrow I leave for the Great White North. It’s not white yet (at least the part I’m going to), but it’s a coming. The plan is to deliver a truck load of books (pick-up) and bring back a truck load of stuff that I have all over the province. Not sure how long the trip will last (not sure how long they will let me in for!) but I’d like to get up to Wetaskiwin too, so I should return by at least mid-week / end of next / early the following week something…
I’m not sure where my phone is. Ever since I broke the clip, it’s been hard to hang on to. Probably in my car - and it’s good that I don’t take it to Canada. The last time I did that it cost an extra $70, so I just might not look for it until I get back. So don’t call me.
Today was just one of those ‘whatever’ days. A little of this, little of that. But was able to upload some audio files on my home church’s website. And yes, it does look familiar (getting the most out of my template from You’ll have to have a listen (the Romans 6 lessons are all there, but we haven’t enabled the *.m4b extension on the server yet. Once that’s done it should work just fine.)
Aunt Mildred
Tonight I got a call that my Great Aunt Mildred died this morning. She was a dear lady who had a spark and cheery way about her. I’ll sure miss her. I was thankful that I was able to see her last time I drove to CT last March—she was even driving around by herself, and I walked her to her car when she left. She looked good, though weak and a little frail, but still had her way about her.
The funeral will be next Tuesday. Uncle Richard, her husband, has problems with Alzheimer’s, so I’m not sure how / if he’ll respond to this all.
So far this week, life has been interesting in the sense that I have been working on several small projects. It’s as if I’m trying really to get things organized, not really working on any project in particular. I’ve tried out Extensis Portfolio, Canton Culumulus, and now Avid Alienbrain. There is a lot to consider, and it’s tough trying to find a solution for all your organization’s digital assetts.
Plus, we have several projects in the works, in various stages of production. From re-prints to brand new products, all in all we are looking at about 25 different projects flying around. Not all have been started, but are on the slate anyway, when we get to it. While I don’t have my fingers in all of them, some are pretty much my job. Never a dull moment.
Another week, another week end review.
I feel a little bad not updating my page that much, but not much has been going on, other than working in the office. While it has been a busy week, it hasn’t ben much to write about.
Today at church (I had decided this week to attend North Country Chapel again, instead of the one in CDA here) we started going through the book of Ephesians. Mostly introduction, but it was a very good and worthy message, only covering 3 verses. We are complete in Christ, and that was so good to hear!
Well, this afternoon, I picked up some footage shot of me cutting the top off a tree, which I may or may not post later (I’ll have to compress it down a little, and I have to do that at the office.) This was on the tree I cut here for Tom back in April.