Day 2 of the seminar. Again 9:30 to 6:00 pm.

Started teaching today - 9:30 am. to 6:00 pm. Home by 9:00 again, but thankful for Ileane for offering to do laundry!
Today was our first day without a “real” appointment, so we were able to get out and see some things. Went to the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum, then visited a Hindu Temple, then Sim Lim and some other shopping. Home by 9:00…
Today we met with the folks from TWR (Trans World Radio) both before and after lunch, and had lunch! Afterwards, we took the MRT downtown and took a look-see.
Went to church where John spoke for the main service. Afterwards, we went for lunch, set up for Wednesday’s meetings, home for a bit then for supper. Got home around 10:00 tonight.
One would think that if it could go wrong, it did. While it wasn’t that bad, there were many problems in either RF interference in the wireless mic, to videos playing out of sync. Rather frustrating day at the beginning, but in the end proved to be a very valuable time.
Spent the day as a team planning a little, then building props, and finally to the venue to set-up for tomorrow’s lessons. Had quite a bit of trouble with some of the videos in the presentation, and took a long while getting that sorted out. So we thought…
Long flight (roughly 20 airborne hours.) Almost missed connecting flight in Tokyo, but ended up having plenty of time, of which we were very thankful!
Today we launched a new website—or a re-working of one that we’ve had for 8 years— Derek and Chantal both built the old site (Derek did the design, Chantal wrote a lot of the articles.) Joe Thomas and Barney Iott both did the majority of the work (design / setup) and I helped here and there with things that they couldn’t do (product images, little tweaks here and there.) I’m very happy with how it looks and works. It was a challenge—much more so than I thought! Thanks Barney and Joe for getting this up for us!!
Started this Saturday as most, at the men’s Bible study. Still in Genesis here. To Barney’s for breakfast. After that, it wasn’t so normal. Condo Association meeting at 1:00, then fixed the heater in my neighbor’s place. All in all, a good day!
After much sweat and tears (not really) the Spanish (and English) DVD sets arrived today. And yet they were missing one box, which I’ll have to have re-printed. Long story. But thankful they are finished.
Had a nice snow squall today. Didn’t amount to much, but fun to watch. And good for a Sunday afternoon.
Helped John put the 67 cows, 3 bulls and 2 calves through the squeeze for shots and a new ear tag. “1.5 hours” wasn’t that. But we had fun.
Made a batch of bread today, but the pictures on the process were taken back in November…
Spend the day at Steeling the Mind Bible Conference. A good day, but a long one (12 hours worth.)