Anyone want to build DVD's?
Monday, June 11, 2007I had been thinking that autorthing DVD’s was a pleasurable job. With Scnearist, you have total control over the building such projects, but there are other things that come in to play. Timecode, for one. ProCoder seems to be encoding to non-drop frame, eventhough the specs say otherwise. Put it this way - if I had everything set for ‘non-drop’ in the autoring process, things worked well between the video and closed captions and subtitles.
Since I figured this out a while back, I went and changed and exported all my caption files (and subtitle files) to non-drop, and life was grand.
But - since I got this Mac, I also noticed that all the DVD’s I’ve been building don’t play smoothly on the Mac. Hmph. So, I needed to upgrade my encoding software, and opted for Final Cut Pro Studio, which comes with everything you ‘need’ to produce DVD’s. A sorta true statement, though I find some things quite limiting.
Now, that I’m encoding with Compressor (Mac based), the files come out drop. So, that means all those closed captioning and subtitle files (did I mention there were over 320 files?) needed to be re-configured to drop frame timecode. And exported.
Oh, and to top it off today, on The Lamb PowerPoint DVD I’m building, some of the cuts in the video didn’t encode at the right time. Why? I don’t know. But took a while to track that down and figure the problem (I fixed it by putting dissolves over the cuts, and, because it still looks good, I opted to stop there and use that.)
All in a days work, but sure seems that a lot more could be done if things were a little better explained. Hopefully, hopefully, I have this figured out for next time. If so, life will be easier, and projects done sooner. But just wait until I get the Interactive DVD finished!