Week in review
Friday, October 28, 2011Started this weekend with Robert helping hook up the heat pump. Sure is nice to get that done! Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning was spent hooking up Tom’s main water supply. The ya-hoo’s that did it originally 10 years ago put galvanized to copper, which increases electrolysis, which eats the iron out, making holes, and very high water bills. When finished, I had 1” copper to a di-electric union to galv. tee (feed the sprinkler system) to 1” union to 1 1/4” plastic that fed the house. Had it apart 4 times and to town 4 times (2 of which was because of a defective T) and 9 hours later we were all set. Didn’t need 2 unions there, but was nice in the end!
Thursday and Friday was spent trying to get 3 subtitle tracks to work with Scenarist (our $5,000 + $900 upgraded DVD authoring program.) It’s an easy fix, once you know it. But I don’t have a service contract and tried everything I could think of to make sure it wasn’t something I was doing wrong. In the end, it’s working fine. 12 discs missed the can.