Re-arranging the furniture
Saturday, March 06, 2010Today started out w/ Men’s Bible study at church (my normal routine) and we are in Acts 18. After which, I went to the office, where Russ was in moving mode. We moved the exercise equipment to Unit 7, and a desk out of Russ’ office (which is now comfortably resting in my house! I’ve been needing a desk, and this one is perfect for me.) Freeing the space in the warehouse was to re-position stock that is off-site in a storage unit. But before I could move them over, I had to rip up the carpet and scrape the glue off first. Then I moved the 8 skids of Tabernacle Furniture Sets.
I drove the truck over and was hoping it would be easy enough to throw them in the back of the truck and drive them over. This proved to be too much work, so (using the forklift) I took the topper off my truck, drove over to the storage unit, walked back, drove the forklift over, filled up the truck, drove the truck back, walked back, drove the forklift over (with a skid), unloaded the truck and repeated. It was a work-around, but I didn’t want to just drive the forklift back and forth, as it’s electric, and didn’t want to run it down (and get stranded!)
At the end of the day, I had everything moved over, the storage unit swept out and canceled, and most of the inventory re-stacked in the warehouse. All in all, it was a good day. Sure was nice to be outside, for sure. Otherwise I would have been in my crawl space at the house working on ductwork. Hopefully next Saturday I’ll be able to get to that.