Worked with Russ on lean-to roof, went to Drew and Noreen's Idaho reception
Saturday, July 08, 2006(I’m at Russ and Karyn’s place this weekend - Tom and Lorie have a full house, and because they needed the space I moved out for the weekend.)
Russ made French Toast, and then we started on the porch roof. Ryan had taken down the old roofing there (plastic, and it leaked very well) so we had a clean slate to work with. Russ had the tin already, and so we got started.
After looking at things, I noticed that we would have needed just a few inches of one sheet to make ends meet. So I suggested making the roof a little bigger, enabling us to not have to cut a sheet, as well as giving us more shelter in the time of storm.Having agreed, we went to Home Despot to get some more supplies.
We were able to finish off things well in good time - by 12:30 or so. Karyn made lunch, and I had a shower, to make it to Drew and Noreen’s wedding reception for us folks here in Idaho. It was a cloudless sky, warm but not too hot in the shade - very nice. Many folks came out to congratulate them and celebrate the occation. Lots of water and drinks and food to go around! It was a nice time to relax for a few hours.
Not feeling 100%, I came back to the office here and worked a bit on learning how to run my software a bit better (instead of going home and relaxing yet some more.) Trying to get the Photo Module up and running, but I need Barney to set my permissions on the server for me.
Well Barney did, but there’s another thing that I need to address to make things work properly. So - not tonight.