A day of life in Southern Illinois
Sunday, November 26, 2006I had breakfast before leaving yet again. Went to Bob’s, and when I pulled in the drive, Mom was calling, letting me know that we all were supposed to eat breakfast on the square. So I turned around and headed that way. Everybody finally showed up - after a good while. This basically took the most of the morning, after which some of us headed to Doug’s. Doug, Bill, Danny and I moved Doug’s fridge to the new hose from the cabin - which entailed taking the doors off and all to fit it out of the cabin and in the new shack.
After that, I headed to Terry and Karleen’s for lunch. Russ and kids, as well as my folks were over for dinner (which was Subway.) We hung out and played video games and just visited.
I was going to go to Dwight’s for a Dwight Burger, when Teresa called asking for help in moving their piano. So I went there for supper.
I didn’t shoot any photos here, though I probably should have. There were a total of us 4 to move the piano, but Josh and I moved it (from one room to another) pretty easily (it was just a small unit.) So, we had supper, and I hung around till about 8:30 just shooting the breeze. We played with the girls - Paige and Sally, but not Ian, as he was only 2 months (though I did have to hold him for a bit…)